November 6, 2016

More fun

"Mmm..." Kirk grinned as Adison pulled away. "I think I can handle that...but you're right... it definitely is going to require more testing." 

Letting his arms slide down and under her head, he slowly let his weight rest on her, bringing his face closer to hers, while watching her eyes to make sure he didn't do anything to make her uncomfortable. Returning his lips to hers, he stayed longer this time, just enjoying getting to know her in this whole new way. How many times he'd wanted to hold and kiss her and be just like this. And now, finally getting his chance...he couldn't describe how it felt. 

Turning his head the other way, he deepened his kiss as long as Adison allowed it, one hand sliding back to cradle her face as his thumb caressed her cheek. Finally retreating just a little, his smile returned. "Why the heck didn't we do this sooner?" At the other end of the couch, his foot fidgeted with hers. "This is a whole lot more fun than talking about work."

Gunner numbly followed Bree's lead, still trying to pull himself out of his fog. There was no way he could ask Bree how long he'd been missing...or ask how he'd even gotten here. They'd have him admitted, for sure. But...he really didn't know the answer to those questions. He'd left work and...and after that, it was blank. His stomach hurt. How long had it been since he'd eaten? 

Seeing Bree get Gunner to the car, JT nodded, then waved to Con. Gunner was at least okay, and that was the main thing right now...

...Back to North Springs, Con followed the other two cars, and decided to come to the house, too. Gunner was an old friend, and he had to see for himself that he was alright before going home...

Inside the house, Gunner found himself in the living room, easing down to sit on the couch and lamely accepting the blanket. Come to think of it, he was kind of cold. "Thanks." Warm food sounded good, too. Leaning back, he slipped off his shoes and put his feet up on the couch, curling up with the blanket. 

"Hey..." Con wandered in and squatted down in front of the couch to be eye-to-eye with him. "You alright?" 

Gunner nodded. "Sure. Yeah. Sorry I worried everyone." 

Con frowned. "You did that, for sure. What were you thinking?" 

"I dunno." 

"That's it?"

Gunner sighed. "Just...leave it be, Conrad. Please?" 

Con stood up again and shook his head. He was glad Gunner was okay, but he was very concerned about his behavior. "You're not gonna find a bridge, are you?" 

Gunner blinked. "What? I'm fine. Really. I just...lost track of time. Why'd you get involved anyway?"

"Because I'm your friend." Con threw up his hands and let them fall back to his sides. "When you didn't show up after work last night, JT called me, thinking I might know where you were."

At least it had only been one night. That wasn't so bad. That did explain why he was hungry though. Gunner swallowed hard. "Thanks...for caring. Sorry again."

Maybe it was Gunner's quietness that bothered Con the most. But obviously his friend was not going to listen right now. "Well...I'm glad you're alright. Get some rest, will ya?"


Con wasn't going to stay - he'd promised time with Jamie today, and he knew JT and Bree could handle this. Once he was gone, it was JT's turn, and he came to sit on the edge of the coffee table, quiet for a good long while. "Got anything to say?" 

Gunner leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "Uh-uh." 

"You sure?" 

"I got fired. I am jobless. I have failed miserably at just about everything. I am miserable and I don't want to talk about it." 

JT pursed his lips before he shook his head. "You should know by now this is no way to handle your problems." Getting no response, he sighed and stood back up again. It was like talking to a brick wall. He wandered to the kitchen were Bree was warming up leftovers. "I can't figure him out," he grumbled. "If he runs off every time something bad..." He bit his tongue. He knew his niece loved Gunner, and he didn't want to badmouth him. But in spite of all Gunner's promises, he continually backslid. What was that going to do to their future together?