November 6, 2016

Can't go on

JT stopped Bree before she left, setting his hands on her shoulders. "Hey... there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Just remember that. None of this can be blamed on you. He's just got to learn to deal with things the right way." He offered the best smile he could, even though there was more he could say. He didn't want to be negative though.

In the living room, Gunner quietly accepted the food, and did start to warm up, also feeling better after eating something. JT prodded him a little about the incident, but he avoided as much as he could, simply not wanting to talk about it. He didn't want to talk about his actions, and he didn't want to talk about him losing his job. After a while, he was curled up on his side, having drifted to sleep.

In the kitchen again, JT helped Bree clean up the few dishes. "Um...Bree?" He wasn't sure how to say this. "A while ago, you were out of the room and I was asking Gunner about last night. I...thought he might give at least a hint to what he'd been thinking but...he kept ducking my questions." He paused. "I, um... I told him we saw his car at his apartment...and he told me he'd been for a walk."

He eyed his niece with worry. They both knew good and well Gunner's car had been nowhere near his apartment last night. Yet he had believed JT's lie as if he had no idea what had really gone on.

"I...think you need to ask him about it. This can't go on."

"Maybe...but it's still not nearly as exciting as this." Kirk nudged Adison's foot again before buying his face in her neck to half kiss half tickle her. Moving his kisses, he trailed them up her neck, across her cheek and finally back to her lips again. Running his foot up and down her leg slowly, he just stayed right where he was. Doing this with Adison was new...but he couldn't imagine ever growing tired of it. 

Drawing back, he closed his eyes as he caught his breath. "Can...we pretend we don't have to get up?" He opened his eyes again. "Maybe it's a good thing we never did this before," he whispered teasingly.