November 10, 2016

Broken One

Looking up from Kirk from his desk Nate raised an eyeborw thinking for a moment before replying to Kirk. He still felt like walking on egg shells while he was here, but he wasn't going to do that any longer. There was no point and if he was the next one to be be it. 

   "It's very unlikely that the Agency would send along a second sniper. They train there operatives not to mess up, and if there are two its easier to get caught."

Leaning back in his chair for a moment Nate let out a long sigh. They new the Agency so well and yet they did't know them at all. It was frustrating to say the least. One thing down and always another.

   "At the same time though it wouldn't surprise me if they did have a back up. A dead sniper is better than a broken one who can give away secrets."

Coming out of the school building holding a pink sheet of paper Maggie looked around. Seeing Nate's truck and Garret inside she smiled and waved as she started forward. Almost getting to the car two older kids, stopped her and ripped the paper out of her hand.

   "Hey give me that back. I need it."

One of the girl snickered looking at Maggie. Taking the paper and ripping it in half she just laughed.

   "What do you need it for? No one would every go with you. Unless you bring your brother and that would just be odd."

   "Maybe there family likes it that way though...could explain whats wrong with her?"

The boy jeered and took the paper ripping it again and handing it back to her.

   "There you go, now you have it back"

Tears pooled in Maggie's eyes as she just stood there. She didn't know why kids had to be so mean. She never did anything to them and they always had to pick on her. Looking at Garret and feeling embarrassed Maggie turned and ran the other way to a small park that was on the school grounds that was empty. Sitting down on one of the swings still holding the torn paper. Her face beat red, and the tears just flowing. Why couldn't she be normal too?