November 7, 2016


Had Gunner blacked out? JT wasn't sure, and he didn't like thinking about it, but there was no logical reason for Gunner to have flat out lied, especially when it would be so obvious. He took the dishes and started to rinse them. "I dont know," he admitted. "I'm no psychiatrist but I guess if he was that emotionally strung out, he could have shut down to the point of not remembering. But..."

He sighed. He didn't like saying these kinds of things. "If losing his job causes him to be this unstable, I...well, I worry about when something bigger happens. I mean I know his job is important to him but...there are far worse things."

He shook his head as he rinsed another plate and set it aside to dry. "So either he's far worse off than I thought...or losing his job triggered another emotional avalanche connected to something completely different." JT had no idea if he was headed down the right path or not. This was something for someone like Hope to figure out, not him.

"I think you should just ask him flat out where he was all night. Don't beat around the bush. If he's got a logical answer, great. I want to be wrong about this. But if he can't remember... he's got to see Hope again and get this sorted out."

Gunner still lay curled up on the couch, but his eyes were open. He couldn't quite make out what was being said in the other room, but the tone of voice made him leery. He'd really messed up big time again. His arms tightened around the throw pillow. He didn't deserve their time or attention. He didn't deserve to be here at all. He was a total failure - that's all there was to it. His pulse quickened as more negative thoughts entered his mind, and his breathing grew shallow. He could end this torment if he really wanted to.

He scrunched his eyes shut tight. No. No, he couldn't go down that path. And he couldn't voice any of those thoughts at all. He knew what would happen if he did. They'd drag him off again for sure.

Shifting into his side to face Adison, Kirk grinned. "I think it's definitely worth a try. Who needs us at work tomorrow anyway?"

He hooked his leg over her lower half to lock her closely against him. "I highly doubt Barnes would understand. And can you imagine the rumors if we both called in?"

Grinning again, he kissed her lips a couple more times. "Totally worth it," he mused. He brought his hand up to gently brush her cheek. "Do you know how many times I've wanted to tell you how beautiful you are?"

Laura prepared breakfast like usual, always glad to at least know Nate ate well before leaving for work. Maggie was still upstairs getting ready for school, and Brian was happily playing with his cheerios at his highchair.

Garret's nose picked up the scent of bacon as he wandered down the hallway, and his mouth watered, despite him trying to ignore it. He swung into the living room to pick up the paperwork Nate had given him the day before, and brought it into the kitchen to set it next to Nate on the table.

Laura glanced over her shoulder and smiled, hiding her shock at seeing him up and out of his room. "Good morning, Garret."

He just nodded a silent greeting before looking to Nate. "I forgot I didn't tell you about what I found yesterday..." He gestured to the papers. "Top folder. Three profiles I'm eighty-five percent sure are Agency. Two aren't working at Brookshire anymore, but one is - I put an "x" on it."

Laura didn't mean to interrupt, but the skillet was still hot at the moment. "Garret, you want any bacon and eggs?"

"Oh," He glanced back at Nate, keeping his mind on work. "That's all I've got. Hope it helps."

Laura sighed, but turned off the burner. One of these days, he'd accept the invitation. It was a miracle he was up and present at all this morning.