November 13, 2016


Mark glared up at Adison but had nothing to say as he struggled to be let go. Jamison was so intent on keeping Mark under his control that he really didn't notice Adison until she hit his arm and addressed him directly. He grit his teeth stubbornly, but had just enough sense left to know breaking Mark's arm wasn't a very good option. Finally he released Mark and stood up, taking a step back with hands up in defense, just in case. 

Kirk had eventually decided to follow Adison, and now came upon the scene just as Jamison was standing up. Eyes wide, he folded his arms and leaned against the wall, just watching. Jamison had actually taken Mark down? Seriously? Kirk himself would even hesitate before physically challenging the tall agent. 

Mark picked himself up off the floor, wiping his bloody mouth before cradling his arm. "You'll pay for this Meighleau," he hissed. 

Jamison simply stood his ground remaining silent until Mark had spun on his heel and left. Several other agents had witnessed the scene as well, and now just sidled by, not wanting to get involved. A battle with Barnes' grandson was certain death as far as jobs went. Jamison finally turned back to Adison and the mess, and started pick up pages again, rolling his sore shoulder a little. "Thanks... I know I'm gonna pay for that, but it sure felt good."

"I bet it did."

Jamison looked up quickly at Kirk, who handed him some papers that had slid the furthest away. "I didn't see you jump in to help," he commented dryly. 

Kirk rolled his eyes. "I just got here. Besides...looked to me like you didn't need my help. Since when do you go win cases and dare to get into fist fights with Mark?"

Jamison didn't even have time to answer.

"Meighleau!" Barnes himself stood at the end of the hall, his deep voice echoing through the entire floor.

Jamison cringed. "And...there it is. I expected at least another sixty seconds." He stood and sighed as Barnes approached angrily. "Yes, sir?"

"What in heaven's name has gotten into you, boy?!" Barnes' glare could peel paint off the walls.

"Mark deliberately-"

"I don't care what Mark did! If you had a problem with him, you should have come to me. Attacking a fellow agent is completely out if line and unacceptable!"

Jamison stood straight, even though he felt like shrinking into the corner. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"You bet it won't." Barnes held out his hand. "Your badge."

Jamison's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Your badge, Jamison. As of this moment you are suspended until further notice."

Jamison's face grew hot as he reached into his back pocket and retrieved his badge to hand it over. "My gun is in my desk," he added quietly. 

"Good. Don't let me see you again until I call you. You better think long and hard about whether or not you really want to be a part of this team." Barnes turned and stalked back down the hall towards his office where Mark stood watching from a distance. 

Jamison wouldn't look at Adison or Kirk as he returned to the stairs, now just throwing papers into the boxes without sorting them. He'd been embarrassed before, now it was multiplied ten-fold. 

Kirk glanced at Adison, his expression proving how badly he did feel. He hadn't meant to add to the teasing earlier, and really didn't think Jamison deserved this. But he wasn't sure what anybody could do about it. 

Garret nodded slowly, appreciating Nate's perspective, and his support no matter what Garret decided. It felt a little odd though...being able to make up his own mind. There was a lot of that around here and... apparently that was something he wasn't as used to as he'd thought.

"Okay. I'm just... still not sure it's really such a good idea," he finally concluded. Being here and interacting this much lately...they were treating him like family, and he honestly didn't know how he felt about it. "I'm...flattered she asked me but... I'll just... have to think about it."