March 17, 2017

You Got This

Hearing the knocking, Hal wiped his hands on a towel and quickly went to the door. Opening it and seeing Sam, he paused a moment, then blinked to keep his eyes from traveling too far. "Hey... you made it." A smile finally emerged, and he stepped aside. "Come on in. I just got supper started." 

He led the way to the kitchen and only then spotted what she'd brought. "Mmm..." He grinned at the strawberries. "You remembered." He gestured to the refrigerator. "You can put it in there to keep til later." He returned to the stove to check on things. "Didn't know what vegetable you liked, so I picked broccoli. Hope that's okay." He stirred the fish batter next, then started dipping in the fillets and placing them in the hot frying pan where they sizzled. "Hope you're hungry too." He glanced over his shoulder at her. "We got plenty of meat from our catch yesterday."

Just walking from the barn to the main house, Mick reached for his phone on his belt as it buzzed. Hearing Wendy's voice, he stopped walking, his brow furrowing in concern. Why wasn't Clint getting out of bed if he wasn't sick? It just added to how things seemed to be worsening with him lately, and it was worrisome. 

"I'm ever too busy," he assured Wendy calmly. "I'm on my way." He turned and headed in a new direction towards their house. It didn't take but a minute or so to get there, and he let himself in, hearing Chase crying and Dara fussing. His heart hurt a little for the situation... it reminded him all too much of when things in his own home had started to spiral out of control. Coming into the kitchen, he reached down just in time to keep Dara's bottle from falling, and brushed her fuzzy head with his hand before giving Wendy a smile. "You got this," he encouraged. 

Heading to the bedroom next, he found Clint still in bed. "Hey..." 

Clint opened one eye and grunted. "What are you doing here?" 

"You do realize what time it is, right?" 

Clint turned his face away from him. 

Mick frowned. "Are you sick?"

Clint shook his head. "I'm fine. Go away." 

"Nope." Mick yanked the blanket off of him. "Come on." He made a decision right then. "I need help on the fence line and you're it. We're going for a walk, so get up." 

"Find somebody else," Clint mumbled, and groped for the blanket, but couldn't find it.

Mick grabbed his ankles and pulled. 

Hitting the floor with a thud, Clint howled before getting to his feet and glaring at Mick. "Seriously! My house! What is with you?" 

Mick didn't blink. "Well you're up. That's an improvement. Get dressed."

"No." Clint crossed his arms stubbornly. He didn't know why on earth Mick was here, but it was making him angry. All he wanted to do was sleep. 

Mick sighed. "I could drag you the way you are, but I'd suggest something more suitable, like jeans and a jacket at least. Oh, and shoes would be good."

Clint's glare remained. "Fix the fence yourself." He reached out to give Mick a shove towards the door, but Mick had far too much experience to let that get the best of him. 

Grabbing Clint's arm, he twisted him around and put pressure on his arm until he cried out. "Let me go!" 

Mick shoved him towards the bed before grabbing a pair of jeans and a shirt from the dresser and throwing them at him. "Get a move on. I don't have all day." 

Clint whirled around with a new glare, but he picked up the clothes and donned the shirt. "Fine. Just... get out."

Mick held up his hands in surrender, and backed out out of the room, then returned to the kitchen to wait. Coming over to Wendy, he didn't hesitate before taking Chase and swinging him around until he stopped crying, giving him a little bounce and an exaggerated smile so he'd giggle. He glanced at Wendy and sighed. "He's up. I'm gonna give him some fresh air. If you want help with the kids, I know Jade would love to come again - all you gotta do is let her know."