March 24, 2017

Movie and Soup

Rick looked at Katie grimly as he slowly shook his head. "And when Jason tells me the same thing about you?" He sighed. "All I can promise is to act how I see fit in the moment." He patted her leg. "It's not over yet... not by a long shot. I said I wouldn't try to find a cure, and I won't. But I'm going to do everything I can to help you two through this. If it really does evolve into something different or more than before... then we can simply hope that your bodies will adjust. And... if not... I will find a way to ease the symptoms." 

Satisfied that she was at least out of danger for now, Rick stood. "You just rest as long as you need. Don't get up or do anything until you feel like it, okay? And don't feel guilty about it. Your body needs as much rest as it can get in between these episodes." He nodded, then turned to leave the room.

Finding Cindy in the hall, his heart sank a little more. "Hey..." He reached down and gently helped her up before pulling her into a hug. They went back years, and even though they rarely saw each other, they were still good friends through Jason. "It's going to be okay," he assured. "He's going to be okay."

"You can't know that," Cindy whimpered. "He was supposed to die before... what if it's just prolonging the inevitable?" 

Rick hugged her tighter. "I don't know it. But I believe it." Drawing back, he took his palm and wiped away her tears. "I hear Kaylee in the living room... do you want me to go to her?"

"No, no..." Cindy sniffed and forced a smile. "I'll take care of her. Just... make yourself comfortable." 

Finishing his shower, Jason moved about almost in a daze from his exhaustion. He felt a little better being cleaned up though and was glad for Rick's promptings. Once in some clean clothes, he checked on Katie, then moved with her to the living room where Cindy had prepared the couch for them with a couple extra pillows and blankets, and she had The Princess Bride in the DVD player. 

Curling up at one of the couch and tucking Katie in front of him with his arm around her, Jason sighed deeply and kissed the back of her head. He had wanted to be up and about today. Take a walk. See the horses. See people. Maybe even go for a ride. But if he was completely honest, he was so tired that he was glad Rick had told them to just rest. 

As the movie started, he smiled a little and gave Katie a squeeze. "I used to watch this when I was sick," he explained quietly. "My mom must have remembered." He hooked one of her legs with his under the blanket. "Pretty soon you'll probably smell chicken soup."

He was right. In the kitchen, Cindy was, indeed, preparing to make chicken soup for lunch. She knew Jason and Katie weren't really sick - not in the normal way. But she had to do something. She couldn't just sit back and watch them suffer. Not Katie. And not her son. 

Aaron wondered what Sam had been like at the academy. Had she been just as stubborn and unafraid? Or had that come later? Was it something she had been born with, or something she had learned? 

He took a couple more steps, then another pause. "I had days to myself," he admitted. "When I started out, anyway. I..." He looked away as he recalled feeling so happy. So wanted. Like he'd finally found where he'd belonged. He'd had work. He'd had purpose. He'd had a woman. So quickly she'd betrayed his trust, leaving him with a heart that had then hardened even more, preparing him for the Agency's harshness. "Then I really didn't have need for days off so I worked most of the time and focused on being a soldier." 

He forced a half smile and looked back at her. Even though he tried to hide the hurt, his walls had been lowered too far with her, and the dullness in his eyes was far too evident. He turned and took the last set of stairs, gritting his teeth against the pain and resisting any complaints. When they reached the top at last, he was breathing heavily. "If I had a day off now though... I would definitely challenge you to darts." 

Riding with Ryan, Hunter was glad she'd decided to go to the auto shop. Not just so Axel could see, but because it meant she at least had the confidence to drive in front of the guys. 

Being the weekend, there were fewer people working today, but Miles and Leo were there, trying to finish a difficult engine on an older car. Both were peering into the engine when they heard a new motor and both looked up to see out into the lot. Seeing the race car, they exchanged glances and immediately went out to the open bay door. Miles folded his arms over his chest and grinned ear to ear. "Well, well... would you look at that." 

Leo smiled and leaned on the doorway. Ryan was driving. That was a good sign. 

Hunter reached over and took Ryan's hand. "Looks like somebody's impressed." He smiled. "You better go talk to them and show them your wheels, or they'll never forgive you." 

Over to the side of the building, Axel stood at the bottom of the outside stairs from his apartment. He'd heard the engine as well, and had known what it was. He'd listened to that purr enough the last few weeks, there was no mistaking it. Seeing that Ryan was behind the wheel brought a thin smile to his face. He stayed where he was though, and let Leo and Miles have their fun.