March 21, 2017


Continuing to watch the camera Sam was surprised to see Nate back. Had it really been a week already? Time went by fast and Sam was surprised. I felt like just yesterday he was leaving. She didn't know him well but was happy to see all was well and he was back.

Nate couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at the mention of everyone being questioned. Reese really would think that? It was hard to believe he would but with the FBI here anything was really possible at the moment.

   "I guess I should be expect to be questioned now that I am back too then. I find it highly unlikely though someone around here was a leak. I would guess its more than likely just Reese trying to please the FBI."

Sam was about to stop watching the feed and go see how Aaron was when out of habit she lip red the mention of Katie and Jason. That was odd. What issues were that both having that it would hit Jason hard. There was definitely more to this story then anyone new. Why no one would talk about it was beyond her, and Nate seemed surprised. This whole thing was super fishy.

   "Oh man, I thought that was gone for good. Couldn't think of a better place for them to be though then at the ranch."

As talk got back around to his vacation Nate smiled. He really did have a nice time and that twinkle that had been lost from his eye was back. It was much needed and he promised Laura to never let it get that bad again. If he felt like everything was to much he'd take another vacation sooner.

   "It was really great. I love my family to death, but it was really nice to just be Laura and I. Felt kinda strange not coming into work for a whole week but I feel refreshed."