March 23, 2017


Cindy nodded and just nestled in even more to Wes' strong arms. She would never grow weary of his comfort. It's what kept her going every day. "You're right... I'll try not to worry so much."

She moved her head to look up at him, then shifted to bring her face to his and kiss his lips. "I love you," she whispered. "Thank you for keeping me going."

Jason gave Katie one last hug before parting ways for the night. As tired as he was, it only took moments after getting into bed that he was asleep....

...Cindy knocked on Jason's door again. "Jase?" Still no answer. Peeking inside, she saw he was still in bed, and she held her breath until she saw the blankets slowly rise and fall. Slipping inside, she went and sat on the edge of the bed. "Jase, Hon... you wanna get up for some breakfast?" It was already eight o'clock - the ranch itself had been up for several hours already.

"Mm?" Jason mumbled. He shivered and pulled the blanket tighter.

Cindy frowned and reached out to touch his forehead. It was hot. She rose quickly, going to the phone to dial Rick. He said he'd be at the main house or with Angel but he'd have his cell phone on him at all times. As she dialed, she also knocked on Katie's door. "Katie? Are you awake? Jason's sick..."

"...So that's where we're at. Not really much to go on." Rick leaned back against the examining table as he spoke to Angel about what had been going on. They'd exchanged quick words the evening before, but now he had given her all the details. "All I can do is keep studying and help take care of Jason as he gets sick, and Katie as she gets the brunt of it all. I..." His sentence was cut short by his phone, which he answered quickly. "Cindy? ...What?... Okay. No, no, I'll be right there." He hung up and sighed, looking back to Angel. "Jason's still in bed. He's got a fever again. I need to go see how bad it is."

Aaron let the conversation drop for now. He still knew he was most likely headed to prison, but he wouldn't argue about it anymore today. He was pretty sure Sam was genuine, but he was just as sure that Reese didn't agree with her about where he belonged. 

Using Sam to keep him steady he hobbled out into the hall and took the route opposite of the main floor. It was slow going with frequent stops. His knee wouldn't tolerate as much weight as he tried putting on it, but he pushed anyway. He was tired of feeling like he wasn't making any progress. 

Reaching the end of the hall, he looked down at the stairs and gsve Sam a glance. He wasn't going to avoid it today. So between her and the railing, he slowly, slowly made his way down to the lower level. By the time they reached the rec room though, he had to rest, and slid down against the wall to sit on the floor and stretch out his leg. 

Looking up at Sam, he just studied her for several long moments. "So you're always after me about what I like to eat or like to do... But I don't know near as much about you."

Feeling Ryan's hand on his leg, Hunter bit his lip in an attempt to control his smile. He leaned in a little closer. "Mm... like a sizzling hot woman..." He moved closer, about ready to steal a kiss, when their waiter appeared. 

"What can I get you guys today?"

Hunter quickly straightened and cleared his throat. "Uh... we need a couple more minutes I think." As the waiter walked away, he threw Ryan a smirk and nudged her shin with the toe of his boot.