March 26, 2017

Short Walk

Hal inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He trusted Sam as a friend, but hadn't known how she'd react. "Thank you... you helping protect them means a lot to me. And... I'm glad you know now too... I didn't like keeping secrets from you."

Reaching across the table, he gave her hand a little squeeze before letting go and standing up. "Now... we have a case to crack. Wanna grab some coffee before we go back? I'm buying..."

Hearing Wendy, Clint rolled over on his back and looked up at her for several seconds. She still looked tired... but she would always be beautiful.

Heaving a sigh, he got up and wrapped his arms around her, just silently holding her close as if maybe he could physically absorb the strength he needed. "I'll eat lunch with you," he finally responded. He wasn't really hungry but he knew eating was the right choice. Pulling back, he kissed her forehead then walked with her to the kitchen.

"Things... went okay with Joe," he mentioned. There wasn't much else to talk about. "He seems to have a knack for mechanics. Now he can learn and actually help me out a little bit too." Not that he was giving up the notion of working in town. He still wanted to do that. And he really didn't have a clue what Wes was doing now... If he was going to keep trying to handle two jobs or if he was going to leave the shop to Clint again since he was in and out.

He didn't realize a sigh had just slipped out. Couldn't just one thing be easy?

Jason stirred, having fallen asleep again after lunch. He was still tired and aching but he did feel a little better. His arms were wrapped around Katie again and he nuzzled his face into the back of her neck.

"Wanna try going for a short walk?" He was weak, but fresh air would feel good.