March 25, 2017


Hal chuckled and shook his head. "Of course you're not getting on my nerves. If you were, you'd know about it." He shrugged. "Besides... it's kind of nice having a partner."

He turned to start some of his own work, but paused again. "So when do you want to take Aaron out? And do you want him to know I'm there or not?"

Garret shook his head grimly. "I don't know, unless they just wanted attention diverted somehow. It seems like a desperate act though, like they were afraid of someone getting close."

Knowing Sapphire's​ innocence, he nodded his agreement to take it to Reese, and stood. "Alright, let's go." He went with her to Reese's office, and explained the whole thing.

Reese stood by his desk and thumbed through the little book. There was no doubt it was connected to the killings. This either belonged to the sniper himself, or an accomplice. He glanced up at the two of them before his eyes rested on Garret. "You say you found this? While you were alone at Sapphire's desk?"

"Yes, I..." Garret's sentence trailed off as a chill ran down his spine. He was too good at reading people's intentions to miss the implication of Reese's words.

Reese saw he understood, and pursed his lips. "Can you prove you weren't the one who planted it? Or just pretended to find it?"

Garret's whole body tensed as he neared the decision of fight or flight. Then a new thought struck him and he looked at Sapphire. "They weren't trying to incriminate you... It was me... I'm the easier target..." He looked back to Reese. "You have to believe I had nothing to do with this."

Reese refused to say one way or the other. "I think, Sapphire, you need to go have Hal and Sam sort through recent footage."

"What about me?" Garret questioned.

Reese thought for a moment. "How about going to see if Nate could use you?"

"But I have a right to be involved in this! If they're after me, I-"

"You have a right to stand down when you're told to!" Reese barked. "You have your orders. Now go."

With a growl, Garret spun on his heel and stalked out of the office. He marched to Nate's cubicle, the few seconds just allowing enough time for his blood to start boiling. Reaching Nate, he stopped and leaned on the wall, taking a deep breath. "What will it take for people to not assume the worst about me?"

Hunter's laugh was muffled by Ryan's kiss, and he slid down further to just rest on her, soaking up her own affection. For who knew how long it would last? He wanted to enjoy it while he could.

After a short while of staying in their position, Hunter raised himself up and shifted around to changed places, putting him on his back, looking up into Ryan's eyes. He brushed aside some of her hair and smiled. "You're too good to me."