March 24, 2017


Curling up with Jason on the couch Katie was still slow moving. She couldn't ever remember being this drained before from any of this. Before it had just been there, and after calming Jason she would be tired but not completely exhausted like this. It almost felt like working two days straight. She was very thankful for the soft couch, though, and there being enough room for Jason to be cuddled behind her.  

   "Mmmm...this is a good sick movie. I use to just watch it and hope my Westly would find me. Thankfully, he finally did."

Though she was tired Katie tried to push a few loving emotions in Jason's direction. Putting her hands over top of his and snuggling into him just a little more. Smelling the soup her stomach growled. It smelled so good, and she was hungry. Cindy was such a sweet woman, in a way Katie was sad for what they were putting her, though.

   "When we are feeling better we have to do something nice for your Mom. I have no idea what...but something."

   "A workaholic..."

Sam just let that comment hang in the air. She knew it was different being in the Agency. It was bred into them to work, being there best and she knew it. But she tried to keep it light anyways. If she wanted to know Aaron she needed to know all of him, not just the good, not just the bad and she honestly wanted to get to know him more.

Continuing up the steps Sam could see how stubborn Aaron was just by how much he pushed himself. At the same time though she could see the hurt in his eyes even if he tried to hide it. Deep down somewhere she knew there was a good person still. She just knew it. 

   "I'm not bad at darts, so that would be a challenge I would accept."

Looking at Hunter Ryan smiled. Getting out of the car she waved to the guys before scanning the area and seeing Axel. Holding her finger up to the others she went over to him. She knew he didn't like the spotlight but he deserved it.

   "Hey Axel. Thank you...for helping Eli."

She smiled giving his arm a little shove. 

    "I just had to tell you before I showed off my new baby to the the other guys."