March 30, 2017


Though halfway to sleep, Hunter lifted his head at Ryan's voice and gave her a crooked grin. "I dunno... I can't r'member." He looked around at the passing scenery. "Where we goin' anyhow?" He squinted. "Was I s'posedta take you somewheres? Cause I..." He belched and shook his head. "I think I forgot somethin'."

As they turned another corner, he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the window. The car ride was quickly making him dizzy. "Supper? Was that it?" he mumbled. "I wasn'a gonna stay long. I jus' stopped fer a quick one. Ya know... with th' guys..."

He rattled on about Jeb and Triston, about half of what he said making sense, and the other half lost in his slurred and backwards words. By the time they reached his apartment, he was slouched in the seat, his face having turned from flushed to pale.

After untangling himself from the seatbelt, he managed to get out of the car, but still leaned heavily on Ryan. Staggering forward, there was no way he would have made it on his own, and twice he almost took them both down. Finally getting inside his apartment, he shed his jacket and was on his way to the couch, when his stomach finally caught up to him.

His drunken chatter ceased as he tried to hold it in, stumbling to the bathroom where he sank to the floor in front of the toilet to throw up. Without any prior food, the alcohol was doing a number on him, and all he could do was just sit in misery as his stomach tried to empty itself.