March 31, 2017

20 Min

About to say something Ryan stopped getting Eli's text. She couldn't help but smile at her brother. She could tell he was wondering what was going on.

Hey! Things are better. Got a favor
to ask since you are off. Can you
head over to The Griller and pick
up Hunter's bike and being it to
our place?

Sending the text Ryan new Eli would be even more confused and she felt bad. But all that was going on she wanted to tell him in person.

I'll be home in about 20 min to
explain more...promise.

Tucking the phone back in her pocket Ryan gave a wack to Hunter's arm jolting him for a moment to and she cringed remembering his headache.

   "I don't wanna hear none of your back talk. I'm staying and that's final. I have vacation days I can take for work so that's not a big deal."

Slidding odd the bed Ryan picked up her socks that were on the floor and put them on. Slipping on her tennis shoes she stood and out her hands on her hips. It might look bad but she didn't really care at the moment.

   "You are right it more than likely will look back but honestly I don't care. If people want to gossip before knowing the truth they can. I know we aren't doing a thing wrong, you know we aren't and Eli will Know because...I'd rather not have him kill you since I you and all. Other than that I don't much care what other people have to say."

Turning and heading for the door Ryan stopped getting there again and turning.

   "Drink that water and finish your toast. We'll get some more food later."

Leaving the room Ryan headed to the door and got into her care heading home. She had to tell Eli what was going on. Ryan just hoped he would take this all as well as he had.

..."Eli...I'm home."

Wondering into the house it didn't take long for her to get home. Finding him in the living room Ryan wondered in and sat down on the couch letting out a long sigh.

   "So I'm guessing you want to know what's going on..."

Not wasting much time Ryan filled Eli in on everything and everything Hunter had told her. She also let Eli know she wanted to be supportive and help all she could along with staying at his place the next few days so he wouldnt be alone and stumble more. She assured Eli though she would keep her own head and nothing would happen.

   "So that's where we are at and I told him our home would be a safe haven for him and we would help as much as we could."

Ryan searched her brothers face waiting to hear his opinion on this whole ordeal.