March 25, 2017

Better Things

"Okay." Hal nodded. "Monday works. Just tell me where and what time and I'll stay in the shadows." He was about to say more, when Sapphire walked in. Hearing her request, he lifted his eyebrows. "What? Are you serious?" He asked more details, when when getting them, he nodded. "We'll get on it. If I find anything, I'll let you know." 

Once Sapphire was gone, Hal glanced at Sam. He could try to control which footage she went through, but eventually, she was going to figure out that portions had been erased from multiple cameras, multiple times. He'd had her organize their digital videos at one point, but it was all safe and he'd know that. Now though... they hadn't been archiving well, which meant nothing was sorted well enough to simply pick out the feed from the main floor. There was a seventy-five percent chance that Sam wouldn't run across anything that had been erased in order to keep Jason and Katie safe... but there was that twenty-five percent left that made Hal uneasy. 

"You got better things to do," he mentioned. He knew she had a couple FBI cases she was still working on. "I can run back through the main floor footage and see if anything turns up."

Garret hung his head and studied the floor, trying to calm his temper. "Things were going just fine. Well, as long as I just worked with Sapphire and didn't try venturing out of her cubicle."

He looked back up at Nate again. "An incriminating notebook was left under Sapphire's desk. It's connected to the vigilante sniper, and Reese seems to think I'm a good suspect. Because surely no one here would be a traitor. Only an outsider like me." He bit his tongue to cease his sarcasm, and straightened up. "I think I'll just go home for the rest of the day. I might incriminate myself further if I stick around." 

As Ryan settled down on his chest, Hunter sighed with content and ran his fingers slowly through her hair. Those other girls, as she called them, had left holes in his heart that never had quite healed. And even now... was this really going to last? He honestly hadn't thought it would last this long, let alone longer. She was on her way to recovery, but still seemed to like him. So did that mean her feelings really were real?  

"I'm happy," he finally replied quietly. "Really happy." His fingers continued their soft motions. "I'm glad you are too..." 

...The next thing he knew, his eyes were flying open at the sound of the front door opening. 

"Knock knock!" Eli announced himself loudly, just in case he was walking in on a make-out session. He threw his keys on the kitchen table and went straight for the fridge. "Y'all got plans for supper?"