March 23, 2017


Ryan smiled thankfully that Hunter was there with her. If he wasn't she didn't know if she really would have the strength to do this alone. He gave her strength, though.

Putting the keys in and shifting the gears Ryan started forward with a little jerk. Closing her eyes for a second and taking a deep breath. Opening them she tired again and slowly pulled out of the parking space. Hitting the slower roads Ryan had no trouble as she continued to drive. It was a little more cautious than normal but she needed to take baby steps before opening it up again.

   "It's kind of like riding a bike. You never truly forget."

Continuing to drive Ryan wasn't sure how much time had passed but she didn't much mind. The care felt nice, maybe even better than when she had it before. Eli and Axel had done an amazing job with it and she would be forever grateful.

Finally coming to a small parking lot on the outskirts of town Ryan parked the car and took a deep breath before getting out. Going to the front and leaning against the car she waited for Hunter to join her. Smiling and leaning into him a little she felt good. Nervous still, but good. 

   "Thank you for coming with me. You have to have the most faith in me, even when I don't and then means the world to me."

Moving around the kitchen and following his instructions Sam listened to him talk as well. It made her sad he really thought when they moved he would be going away. She would do all in her power to stop that. Slowly he was making progress but it progress.

   "You will be coming to the new building as well. I'll make sure I do everything I can to make sure of it, and that is the truth."

Grabbing plates the food really did smell amazing. It was only eggs but it smelled far to good to turn down. At least Aaron had a love of cooking and it really did gave them something to do. Grabbing a little of the extra cheese and eating it Sam thought again for a moment. 

   "We aren't here though to force anyone to do anything. We want to help, make the Elite better and help their cause."

Taking the plates and setting them at the table Sam sat down next to Aaron but turned so she could still see him before taking any of her food.

   "I don't want to stab anyone in the back for taking a wrong step. If I'd be in prison already. But your not, so that has to account for something."

Taking a bite of the eggs they tasted really good. It had been some time since she actually had eggs. She still thought Aaron had a talent and should become a chef, but that was her own personal,though.

   "I can make them next time but I doubt they will come out this good."

Searching Jeff's face Katie could see he was tired and some days were better than others. She always worried about him and always got on his case about his health. Even other the phone when he had been working to much, or not eating enough. She didn't want to see him wither away.

Turning to see how had come in the door Katie was going to say hi till she saw the look on Clint's face. He didn't look like he was in a good mood. Hearing Jeff's words confirmed it and she felt sad. Wendy and Clint seemed to be two of the happiest people she new. To hear something was wrong it hurt a lot.

   "Well I haven't seen her in a while, or the kids so I think that will definitly be on my ajenda."