March 22, 2017

Cool Side Effect

Jeff laughed at Katie's teasing and rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, you know me. I'm all about that scene." He gave her a teasing squeeze. 

Jason grinned, just glad to see them both happy. He was glad they had a good relationship after the rocky past, and it was obvious that this was something that brought joy to Katie... and if ever she needed that, it was now. 

Hearing the news about why they were really there, Jeff's smile faded and he retracted slightly so he could see Katie's face better. He searched her eyes with concern, then looked to Jason and back again. "I thought all that was over... is it that bad that you had to get out of Nevada?" 

Jason sighed. "We thought it was over too, but apparently it was just dormant. We've got an ex-Agency guy who believes it is impossible to ever get rid of it. It wouldn't have been so bad but... it's come back pretty forcefully with me, so it's been affecting my work. And Katie... just started showing symptoms the other day." 

Jeff pursed his lips grimly and pulled Katie in for another hug. "I'm so sorry." He knew it wasn't his fault, but he'd been the one the Agency had targeted in the first place, which meant it had been passed on to Katie through him. 

"Rick came with us," Jason added. "We trust Angel, but he's been working with this thing longer and he wanted to make sure he was here if... when it gets worse." 

"And the FBI?"

"They don't know. Like Katie said, we're trying to stay under their radar." Jason forced a smile. "I really don't wanna be on the run from weirdos who want to study us." He perked up. "Oh yeah. We've got glowing eyes now."

Jeff blinked, and couldn't help a little laugh. "Serious? Now that's kind of a cool side affect." 

Scott held Hope's hand, thankful for this entire time with her. He shook his head a little. "You're not a good luck charm... I think maybe... you just help me relax when I'm around you and... that helps."

He stared at the clouds as she pointed them out, and smirked. "Looks more like a lopsided goose to me." He laughed, then pointed at a different one. "That one looks like a unicorn... pulling a wagon." As the clouds morphed while drifting by, he laughed again. "A really big wagon." 

Hearing the laughter, Domino abandoned her seaweed and came bounding over, springboarding off Scott's stomach and burrowing in between them, giving a short little bark as she wriggled with excitement. 

"Aw, serious?" Scott smiled and gave her head a scratch. "You totally ruined the moment, you know that?"

She just barked again and then crawled up closer to Hope and started licking her face with a tongue that still smelled like seaweed.

Kirk wasn't satisfied with Misty's answer. He knew there was more, he just knew it. But why all the secrecy, he had no idea. "Okay. I understand." He nodded and got to his feet again. "Thanks." He wanted to say more. He wanted to say that he hoped they could eventually coexist without the tension and be team players here, but he wasn't so sure it was ever going to happen. Everyone here had a bad taste in their mouths when it came to the FBI, and there was very little he could do about it except wait and see if time would take care of it.

He nodded to Adison and left the infirmary, saying nothing until they'd gotten back to their cubicle. "Well that was a load of hogwash." He flopped down into his chair. "If I go to Reese again, he'll just give me the runaround. Do you think I ought to just drop the whole thing?"

Hal glanced up at Sam and tried to smile, but he could see the look on her face that warned him she wasn't pleased. She knew he wasn't telling the whole truth, and he felt badly. But what else could he do? They couldn't risk leaking what was happening with Katie and Jason. It could ruin their lives. 

"Okay..." He nodded hesitantly. "I'll still be here..." There was an odd tension all of a sudden, and it wasn't the same kind of tension as they'd had last night. This time it was leeriness... a distrust... and he didn't like it. 

In the other room, Aaron sat on his bed. He hadn't touched his legos or magazines in two days, and hadn't wandered out of the room on his own. What was the point? He hadn't caused any trouble either, but he was falling deeper into this awful, dark pit, and he saw no real way out. He had heard the Elite was moving... and when they did... would that be when they'd transfer him to prison? He couldn't help but wonder. They all said that wasn't their goal, but he didn't trust it. 

He leaned his head back against the wall and flexed his leg a little. His knee was feeling a bit better, even after the murderous therapy JT had put him through the day before. He was allowed to put a little more weight on it now... but what was the point?