March 23, 2017


"Of course." Cindy's​ first reaction had been to get a cold cloth, but with how odd this whole thing was, she really didn't know what to do until told. It only took her a couple minutes before she returned with the cloth and gave it to Katie. Knowing being here would do no good, she went to the kitchen to distract herself in an attempt not to worry. 

Jason gave Katie's hand a squeeze and pried his eyes open halfway to look at her. He felt so hot... he knew his fever was high. Yet he still shivered. The cold cloth felt oh so good, but it was going to take a lot more than that to get him through this. Curling around Katie, he pulled her down to our next to him, and wrapped his arm around her, holding her as close as possible. His heart beat against her back. His fingers locked with hers. 

"It hurts," he gasped. "I can't... can't get ride of it... fast enough." His entire body tensed and he withheld a cry as a wave of pain hit. "The pressure... it's too much..."
I don't want to hurt you...

Aaron listened intently as Sam spoke, simply watching her and taking in all he was learning about her. Her voice was... soothing somehow. Warm like the sun, soft like a rose petal, yet strong like the agent she was. 

He looked away and took a swig of water. "With that many interests, you must have quite a social life," he speculated. His eyes rested on the water bottle. He didn't even know what it meant any more to have a social life. He'd had time off before to do whatever he wanted but it wasn't like he had friends he want to see or hang out with or anything. 

"So when are we gonna go stargazing again?"

Hunter's eyes went wide and his mouth hung open before he clamped it shut and tried not to choke on the laugh he was holding in. "Don't you know they don't serve that here?" he whispered. He used his menu as a shield, pretty sure he was going to get whacked again.

"Plates make better weapons..."

Hunter looked up quickly. Their waiter was back, and he was grinning at both of them. "You're absolutely right," Hunter agreed. "Therefore, give me one of your double grillers with cheese... And waffle fries. On a plate."

"Uh-huh..." The waiter jotted it down on his pad. "Want us to hold the onions?"

Hunter snickered, even though his cheeks grew warm. "I guess that depends on what she's getting."

The waiter grinned again and looked to Ryan. "What'll it be?"