March 23, 2017

Chopping Knife

Riding with Ryan, Hunter simply sat and let her take it as fast or slow as she wanted. On the inside, he was a bit nervous himself, but he never let it show. He had faith that she could do this. 

When she parked and got out of the car, he followed suit, coming up beside her. Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he gave her a squeeze. "It's not hard," he answered softly, turning to give her a smile. "You're doing amazing." Leaning over, he gave her a tender kiss, then drew back just a couple inches to see her eyes. His smile returned and he bit his lower lip. He could just get lost in her eyes if he let himself. "Feel like driving somewhere to get some lunch? I know a place that's got really good burgers..." Actually it was a little hole in the wall that was a bar and grill, and every once in a while he just craved one of their burgers.

Aaron took a couple slow bites of his food, seemingly ignoring Sam, but he wasn't. He was internalizing her words and trying to decide if he trusted them or not. In the meantime, his taste buds were at least happy. The omelets were simple, but had turned out well enough to taste good. And apparently, Sam liked them too, which... deep down... if he'd admit it... made him happy.

He gave her a sidelong glance. "If you doubt they'll turn out good, then they won't." He shook his head and took another bite. "Anything you do is only ever as good as you think it will be." Only after he'd said it did he realize how ironic it was, considering his situation and his attitude about his knee. 

His thoughts reverted back to their other conversation though. "You might not stab me in the back, but that doesn't mean the Elite or FBI won't." He gestured at her with his fork. "You know good and well if Hal had his way, you wouldn't be sitting twelve inches away from me while I've got a fork in my hand, let alone a chopping knife. Just because you trust me doesn't mean anyone else does, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you have the authority to make decisions about where I end up." 

Maybe, just maybe he really was starting to trust Sam. But that didn't mean he trusted anyone else not to stab him in the back. It had happened far too often in his life. He couldn't afford to think it wouldn't happen again. 

Evening at the ranch came, and, as usual, the dining room was filled up with family. Jason enjoyed his time, not only with Katie and Jeff, but with his mom and Wes as well, not to mention Kaylee, who was thrilled her big brother was back again. Everyone else also greeted them warmly, all glad they were there. Word spread on its own of why they were really here, and that was just as well. Jason didn't really want to have any special announcement and make anybody nervous. Keeping this low-keyed was best. Not to mention, not everyone would understand. Xander and his family were newcomers, then there were kids around as well who didn't need the adults getting on edge. The fact was that he and Katie simply didn't know what was going to happen. They could be fine... or they could be severely sick any moment and die here. Neither had voiced that, but they both knew it was a very real possibility. 

Once supper was over, people started going their own ways for the night. A few were going to stay up and play games, and Jason normally would join in, but he was on the brink of falling asleep in his chair, and one look from Rick told him that he needed to rest instead. 

The night air was clear and crisp, and Jason took a deep breath as he walked slowly, hand-in-hand with Katie towards the lane to his mom and Wes' house. "Feels nice to be back, huh?" His thumb ran across her fingers. "Seems there's some tension around here though, with Jim. And then Clint - what's up with him? I barely got a hello out of him, and didn't get a chance to talk to Wendy."