March 22, 2017

Hang Of It

Going into the garage Ryan gave a wack to Hunter's arm at his comment. Of course, it was still here. If not someone better hope there were never found or they would have to answer to more than one angry person. 

   "There is?"

Ryan drew a little closer and looked in the window when Hunter took her hand. Giving him a sidelong glance she tried to hide how nervous she was with humor.

   "Oh wow there is a steering wheel...I thought for sure Eli would have left that out."

Holding up the keys and pressing the button to unlock it Ryan opened the door and just looked inside for a long moment. Why was she so scared to drive again? Not remembering how? What if something happened while she was driving. Deep down maybe she new but on the surface, it was hard to move look the insecurity.

   "I'll drive, but let's go down some nonbusy streets first so I can get the hang of it again."

Hearing his comment about he cooking Sam just stopped and looked at him for a long moment before finally cracking a smile. She couldn't be upset he had a good point. She really wasn't good at cooking much.

   "Hey Hey...I can cook some stuff...just...not a big variety."

Helping Aaron as much as she could Sam just smiled and rolled her eyes at him. Tension around here was putting it lightly. She wasn't even one hundred percent sure herself where it was coming from. Really she only knew about Hal and herself, but that wasn't affecting everyone else.

   "Honestly, I think most of it is just having the FBI here. It's messing up everyone routine, then add into the mix of the building moving and that's just a whole new tension getter."

Stepping to the side so Aaron could go in the breakroom Sam followed and grabbed a few things she thought they would need. She was happy Aaron at least agreed to come and help her and get a little exercise on his leg.

   "Hopefully once we are all moved things will be better."

Hope laughed again as Domino's antics and shook her head. Silly little dog always did keep things lively. Sitting up and scratching her head she let out a content sigh before looking at Scott and giving a nod.

   "Yeah, I guess it is best we feed her."

Sitting down with her dad Katie was happy to be back. The smells, the sights it was just nice and made her realise every time how much she missed it. Just listing to him and everything that had been going on her heart hurt a little bit. Everyone here had been through so much and they still were is made her sad.

   "Aww....Jim wasn't mad at you for helping I don't think. I think he was more than likely just upset with the situation. I can't imagen it being easy for him. I bet if you give him time he'll come around."

Giving a smile Katie took her glass of water and took a sip. Just watching her dad for a long moment she finally spoke again. Looking here her dads eyes went her smile grew just a little more.

   "Don't worry if it had been an engagement ring you would of been the first one to know. It's just a promise ring Jason game me, but it still holds a lot of meaning."

Looking down at her finger she tried to keep her cheeks from turning to red. She really did like the ring a lot and it did mean a great deal to her. She was happy to be able to share that with her dad now.

   "How about you? How have you been?"