March 25, 2017


Sam thought for a moment about when to take Aaron out. She didn't want it to be too busy so in case anything did happen there wouldn't be to many people around. At this for the first time going out.

   "How about Monday? It shouldn't be busy since its the start of the week."

She wasn't sure if Hal had anything planned so she was partly asking him too if he was free or not. She knew he said he didn't do much but she just wanted to make sure anyways. 

   "I'd like to see how he acts to see if how he is here is just for show or not. So maybe keeping your distance this time would be best. After I bring him back maybe you and I can go for ice cream or something."

   "It wasn't Garret. Whenever he was by my desk I was there too, or not gone long."

Sapphire looked to Garret and she felt sorry. She wished Reese wouldn't have jumped to just accusing Garret. The look in his eyes said he was hurt and she could understand why. He really was trying, and it seemed he never got ahead. 

   "Ok, I'll see what they can dig up."

Turning Sapphire exited the office. She hated just leaving Garret there but she knew it was best if she just did what Reese has asked. Getting to the security room she knocked before peeking her head in and giving a wave to Hal and Sam.

   "Hey. Reese asked me to have you guys look through some footage of the area around my desk. Someone slipped someone on it to try and get Garret in trouble and I wanna know who."

Looking up from his desk as Garret came over Nate wondered what had happened. It was clear it was something to do with Garret and someone not believing him.

   "It takes time, and lots of it. I thought things were going ok through for you around here? Whats up?"

   "You deserve it. You really do for how amazing you are, and have been to me."

Looking down at Garret her eyes twinkled and sparkled. She really couldn't ask for more. Bringing her hand to his face and just running her fingers over his skin she sighed with content before sliding down a little and resting her head on his chest. Just listing to his head beat, and feeling the rhythm of his breathing. It was soothing to her.

   "Those other girls sure don't know what they are missing out on. Worked out great for me though. I just hope you are as happy as I am."