March 25, 2017


Hal could hardly believe Reese had said yes to Sam. He was always so strict... what had changed? And Sam wanted to take Aaron to play darts? Why darts, he wondered. And the fact that she'd actually asked him to be another set of eyes was surprising after she hadn't told him when doing other things. 

His frown was one of confusion, not irritation, but he nodded. "Of course I'll come." Facing a crowd would be worth it to keep an eye on things and make sure she was safe. The fact that she'd actually​ asked him was a bonus. 

"I want to but..." He cocked his head. "Why wouldn't you trust anyone else? Surely you'd trust Kirk... And truth be told, Pete's always been quicker on his feet than me so..." He studied Sam's face, not having picked up on the fact that she didn't trust the others. He didn't know why, and it bothered him a little too. 

Hunter was perfectly content spending the rest of the day with Ryan. After going to get his bike from the garage, then following her back home, he joined her in the apartment. Taking off his jacket, he cocked his head to listen. "Yep. All alone, he confirmed." 

Grinning, he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her with passion like he'd been wanting to all day. "Mmm..." Can we just..." He mumbled between kisses. "...think about supper... later?" He backed her up into the living room close to the couch. One hand moved up to cradle her face as his affection continued deeply but gently. 

Garret sat back in the office chair and swiveled a little as he thought. Even though Nate was back, he was still working with Sapphire at least for now. She usually got the bottom of the stack when it came to cases, if any at all, but he'd at least been able to help a little, and had actually found mistakes others had made in their intel, glad he could at least prove a little value.

She'd left a few minutes ago to give some finished paperwork to Susanne, and then they were going to go through some Agency information for Wyatt. As Garret turned once, his eyes suddenly caught sight of something taped to the underside of Sapphire's desk. Curious, he rolled closer and felt it before slowly peeling it off. It was a black notebook small enough to fit in one's pocket. Flipping it open and scanning the handwritten notes, Garret's eyes widened. There were names. Dates. Many of which had been crossed out... which were the names of the men the vigilante sniper had killed. Aaron's name was also on the list with a circle around it - he'd been shot at but not killed. The next name on the list had a date next to it - it was a convict who would be transferred in two days, who was suspected to have Agency ties.

Garret's eyes remained wide. This was the leak's notebook. There could be no better evidence than this. But Sapphire? He was getting to know the rules around here, and he knew that the first thing he should do was report this to either Nate or Ron and Pete. It was their investigation, and he'd just found the one piece of evidence they needed. If he withheld anything, the lack of trust would just continue and he'd be blamed for being in on it.

He heard Sapphire's steps coming closer and he swallowed hard. The Notebook got halfway to his pocket before he stopped. Hang protocol. He couldn't do it.

Looking up as she returned to the cubicle, he grabbed her arm and pulled her down to her own chair quickly, then held the notebook up in front of her face. "What are you doing with this under your desk? he hissed, quietly enough that no one else would hear.