March 21, 2017

Happening Again

Katie couldn't help but let her smile grow even more at her Dad enthusiasm. He was always happy to see her but it just made her feel good when he showed it. She really had missed him a lot, and was happy they were there now.

   "Well, we only decided yesterday we were coming, and I wanted to surprise you today, So I guess I was pretty lucky you weren't out and about. Bars, Women, Gambling the whole nine with you."

Smiling again and keeping her arm around Jeff she knew none of what she said was true. She did with he had more time to do things, but he was never one for a bar, or women or gambling. Looking to Jason and smiling and then back to Jeff she knew she would have to tell him what was going on. Maybe it would be better now than with everyone else. 

   "Also we are here because...its happening again, but this time it's different. With the FBI snooping around the Elite Reese thought it best till we get a handle on things and figure it all out we better just lay low."

Still just continuing to lay next to Scott Hope's hand found his as she held it and watched the clouds pass by on the blue sky. Today was a nice day in weather and just general. Somewhere she wondered if one good day meant three bad days but that would be a bridge they would cross when they came to it. She was tired of looking too far ahead. She just wanted to live in the now.

   "I guess I am a good luck charm then. I will always be close when you want me to be."

Silent again for a moment Hope scooted closer to Scott and with her free hand she pointed up at some of the clouds and traced them with her finger. 

   "Look...that on is a you see it?"

Looking up from her desk Misty bristled as Kirk and Adison entered and came over to her. They didn't even need to say anything and she knew why they were here. It was about Katie and Jason...they were just determined to find out what was going on.

   "Pick away, even if I say no you'll just ask anyways."

Hearing what they had to say Misty looked between Kirk and Adison and rolled her eyes a little.

   "Rick has already told you why they went to Texas and its because they are our two best they went. Not to mention everyone knows them already. As for anything's nothing out of the norm. If you need more detail then that, you will have to talk to Reese. I can't break my patient doc confidentiality without good reason."

   "Good I'm happy they made it."

Thinking for a long second Sam put her file down on the table. She new Hal wasn't telling her something and it really did bother her. Why wouldn't he tell her? Did he not trust her? She didn't know how to just come out and say it though.

  " more walkabouts. I should see if I can get him up and moving. I'll talk to you later."

Standing Sam glanced at Hal again and let out a small sigh. She liked Hal a lot but maybe he didn't feel the same, and maybe that's why he didn't trust her.