March 20, 2017

Followed Suit

As Hal started to move again to get up Sam couldn't help but be a little disappointed. But maybe, in the long run, it was for the best right now. She didn't want to rush or push their friendship to fast and rune anything the might be building together. Taking his hand to help herself up Sam cheeks were a slight red color. Surprisingly Hal's hands were soft. 

Trying to snap herself out of it Sam took the towel from Hal and starting to clean herself off. Hearing his comment her eye went wide. She could only imagen what those poor people were thinking right about now.

   "Well I am guessing you are usually a quiet person, So...I am hoping they don't call the cops with all the commotion."

Grabbing her phone and dialing the office Hope waited for Reese to answer. She wasn't going to let this day pass them by.

   "Hey Reese, is if ok if I use some of my personal time today?....Oh yeah yeah...everything is ok.  Ok...if you need anything just text got to you tomorrow....bye."

Hanging up the phone and setting it back on the table she took her toast and took a bite before smiling at Scott. She had a lot of personal time she hadn't used so that was not an issue at all and it seemed Reese didn't mind.

    "Alright, that's all take care of. If you want to leave Domino here while you go you can. That will give me time to clean up breakfast, and get ready as well. I've got extra towels to bring with us in case we want to dip our feet in the water or anything.."

Katie should have known Mick would know their connection was back, not to mention know her and Jason were back together. He and Hunter had formed a pretty good friendship and if he'd needed anyone to talk too he was sure it would have been Mick. She didn't mind though at least he had someone to talk too.

Returning the hug to Mick Katie was happy to be where again. She missed everyone a lot, a lot more than she would ever admit. This would always be here home, no matter were she went, what she was doing or where she planted her roots. The ranch was always special to her.

   "Thanks Mick, for just letting us come and go when we need it."

Katie smiled, before giving a nod to Rick. She knew he could find his way around and if he needed help he could always just ask around. If she remembered right Rick had been here once before so he should still know the lay of the land a little.

Looking at Mick and then back to Jason she gave him a little nod taking his hand. She was still dizzy and she didn't want to just leave him to fend for himself yet. 

   "Let's go find your mom than we can find my dad. Mick...don't let him know we came yet. I want to surprise him."

Finding Kirk and Adison in the file room Ron cleared his throat before coming closer. Whenever he couldn't find them, he always knew this was one of the places to look. In a way, he thought it was kind of cute.

   "So to intrude...but I have some more information you wanted. It's not much but maybe enough for the moment."

Looking down at the paper he had again it just had a bunch of stuff noted on it. He could understand it but if anyone else looked at it they would be completely confused. Everything he did thought was always documented in one way or another and put in his file cabinet. Just in case anything came up and he needed it.

   "It seems like over the last few years Jason and Katie have been sick a lot together. It started right before Katie even came here. Then there was a year recent they weren't sick at all. Other than Jason psych injuries. Both didn't even have as much as the sniffles."

Ron let out a long sigh just looking between Kirk and Adison for a moment. Really the research he had done was confusing and he himself didn't understand there. It was clear there was some connection between everything going on he just didn't know what. Whenever he thought he was making headway there would be a road block one way or another.

   "Then we come to the present day. Jason and Katie start spending more time together and they are sick again. Seemed Jason started getting sick first, then Katie followed suit."