March 17, 2017

Strawberry Shortcake

Following the directions, Hal had given her it wasn't hard to find his house at all. Opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator up to his floor she finally made it to the top. Dressed in her skinny jeans that had ripped holes in the knees and a nice but comfy shirt it was different from what she mostly wore to work. Her hair was still damp, and the smell of cherry blossoms was nice around her. 

Standing at the door with strawberry shortcake in hand Sam knocked on the door and waited. She was a little nervous, but at the same time excited. It would be nice spending the evening with Hal, and it would definitely be interesting to being trying the way he cooked fish.

Morning came and went and Clint was still in bed and it worried Wendy. She didn't know what to do and she didn't know how to help. She'd tried to tell him he needed to talk to someone and he still wouldn't. She just things could be normal again and she could have her husband back.

Lunch time was now coming up fast and she had tried to get Clint out of bed a few times but couldn't just stay there and keep trying as the kids were being fussy today. She was at her wits end today and had no idea what to do.

Getting Chase into his playpen and Dara into her highchair they were calm at the moment but she had no idea how long that would last. Grabbing the phone and dialing Mick's number she waited till she answered. She hated asking for his help but it was the only thing she could think of doing at the moment. 

   "Hey Mick I'm sorry to bother you. I can't get Clint out of bed this morning and..."

Dara started to scream and Chase cried in the background sending Wendy almost in tears. Nothing was working out at all.

   "...and I...was just wondering if maybe you could come and try."

Going back over to Dara Wendy gave her, her bottle back and then went to Chase to see what was wrong. Hanging him his toy she grumbled a little as he tossed it away and continued to cry till she picked him up.

   "If you are to busy I understand...I just...I dont know what to do."