March 26, 2017

Can't Know

Hal looked away from Sam and ran a hand over his face. There was very little he could do at this point. This was exactly what he'd been afraid of. He was silent for several long moments. The only sound was the ticking clock on the wall. Finally though, he rose to his feet and looked down at Sam. "Come on. I'll tell you, but not here." Not where anyone could walk in on them. If there was one person he didn't trust with this, it was Kirk.

After grabbing his keys, he left the room, motioning for Sam to follow him. Without a word, he led her outside and to his car. From there, he still remained silent, even as he pulled into the park, got out, and led her to a picnic table. There, he sat down across from her and continued to think.

"You'll find more erased footage than just from the other day," he finally spoke. "I know, because I'm the one who's been doing all the erasing. And I also stood in front of the camera the other day on purpose." He sighed deeply. "I do it to protect Jason and Katie. They didn't have the flu, and they didn't really go to Texas to be extra security. But telling anyone outside our small circle the truth risks their lives. So I'm trusting you... what we discuss here can go no further. Not to Kirk, or even Adison. They'll find out eventually, but it's not my call as to when."

He took another deep breath. "Jason and Katie's fathers..." He went on to explain about the Agency drug, how it had affected Jason and Katie when they'd met, and how it had evolved into an emotional connection with telepathic abilities. He did his best to explain how Katie could influence those around her, and how Jason wound up affecting objects if his emotions got too high. "It was killing them both though. It was attacking Jason and making him sicker and sicker, which in turn, affected Katie. So... Rick and Misty developed a cure. No more abilities. No more connection. No more health issues."

Hal shrugged. "Until recently... it started coming back... and it hit Jason hard. The element was never really gone, just dormant. Now that it's back, it's evolving even further  it nobody knows to what end. It was decided that they should go to Texas where it's safe for them, and safe for those around them. Rick went with them because he's been with them from the start of this whole thing. And... that's where we're at."

He searched Sam's face, knowing this was a lot to take in, let alone believe. "If word got out, the government would step in and it would be a horror film in the making. I'm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone in the Elite... but I also know you're still an FBI agent... and the FBI can't know about this."

"So is it just you around here?" Joe looked at all the tools hanging on the wall after Clint had explained their uses.

Clint gave him a wry sort of grin. "That's a good question. This is really my uncle Wes' place but I'm not sure if he's gonna do anything with it or not since he's back working for the military."

"Ah." Joe didn't really understand, but it didn't matter much. "Must be nice, working around family though."

Clint smirked. "Well, it certainly can make things more interesting." He gestured to the tractor. "Come on. Let's see how much you know about engines."

Joe stayed for a couple hours as Clint taught him some of the basics of mechanics, and planned to return in another couple days. Once he was gone, Clint found himself alone in the shop again, just sitting on an upturned bucket, staring at the unfinished tractor. He was just doing this to earn some extra cash. He still needed to find something else. He couldn't stay here... he just couldn't.

Eventually rising, he trudged the distance to his house where he once again found the couch, wondering what Wendy was doing today, but too tired to go looking.