March 30, 2017


Pulling her phone out of her pocket and not knowing the number Destiny almost didn't answer it but would never forgive herself if it was someone she knew and it was an emergency. Answering the phone and hearing Reese's voice Destiny's heart beat a little faster.  What ha happened to Chance that Reese would be calling her. All they had were each other really, so it made sense he would call.

   "Hey Reese, is everything ok?"

Hearing what he said about Chance having off, and wondering if he was with her Destiny frowned her brow. She could of sworn last night he told her he had to work and that was why he had to go home. Why would he lie to her? 

   "No he's not with me at the moment. I can try to get a hold of him for you and have him give you a call."

Destiny's mind raced a million directions at once. She thought the lying and secrets were over, but it felt like they were starting all over again and Destiny didn't understand why. 

Sitting at the small table in the kitchen Nate enjoyed just being here with Laura and Garret. Caring on light conversation and enjoying there cold treat. Seeing Garret get brain freeze out of the courner of his eye he couldn't help but laugh a little. 

   "You know I never thought of it before but humans have to be some of the silliest people. We inflict pain on our own selves enjoying a treat, and then go back to doing it again."

Stopping what she was doing when her phone went off Ryan whiped her hands off on her pants and got her phone. Seeing Hunter's message she smiled. It always brightened her day when he would message her.

Do you really think I would say no? I kinda always want
to be with you. 6 sounds good. Gives me time to clean up. <3