March 18, 2017

Too Formal

Listening to Wendy, Clint sighed as he straightened and leaned his head back in the couch. He toyed with the bandage on his wrist and grew quiet. Turning his head, he studied her face, noticing how tired she looked. It made his heart hurt even more. He lifted his hand and brushed her cheek softly.

The thought of going to anyone for help made his stomach churn. It was bad enough that his family was trying to get him to talk - a stranger would be even worse. He didn't need help... he needed to get away from here. The problem now was if he told Wendy he would seek help, he'd be lying. If he said he wouldn't, she'd grow even more upset with him. 

Opting to say nothing at all, he shifted around to lie on his back, and pulled Wendy down on top of him. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her, then hugged her tightly. "You wanna go to town tonight? Just... the two of us? For supper? Maybe your mom and Luke can watch the kids?"

Hal looked over his shoulder at Sam as he washed the dishes, and grinned. "Ooh, good pick." Actually, he was pleased that she'd picked that one... he liked her taste. "Give me just a minute..." He finished rinsing another pan and put it in the drainer, then let the water out of the sink. After wiping his hands on a towel, he wandered into the living room and put the DVD in. Seeing Sam chose the couch to sit on, he automatically picked his easy chair. "Okay... here we go...." 

Getting the movie started, it got quiet except for that. Hal had seen it several times already, but anything with super heroes was a favorite of his. He enjoyed just watching it with Sam - having someone else in the room to comment on the tense scenes or laugh in the funny moments. He was so used to watching movies alone that every once in a while he almost forgot she was there. 

As the credits rolled a couple hours later, he stretched and yawned. He wasn't tired, but just weary from siting that long. "Well... I don't know about you... but I'm definitely ready for some of that dessert you brought." He grinned as he stood up and aimed for the kitchen, going at a quick pace to get his blood circulation going again. He grabbed a couple small clean plates but let Sam do the serving since she was the one who brought it. The table seemed too formal though, so he retreated to the living room again. This time though, it felt equally as formal to keep himself so far away, so he chose to sit on the couch with her. Taking a bite of the treat, he murmured his approval. "Mm... the perfect choice." He flashed her a smile. "This has been nice... I'm glad you came over."

Eating supper at Hope's, Scott did his best. She'd fixed a light and mild meal, and he knew it was for him and not her own taste buds. He was grateful, but tried not to draw attention to it, knowing she would just tell him he didn't need to thank her again. He ate as much as he could - which still wasn't much, but it was enough for now. 

It had been his habit for so long to withdraw... to avoid being close... to avoid allowing himself to show his true feelings. But sitting here now at the table as he pushed his plate aside, and looking over at Hope, a faint smile spread on his lips. "Would you... would you mind if I stayed for a while?"