March 5, 2017

To To

Looking at the cars on either side of them Ryan gave a half salute to Zan, and then looked at Thunder and giving a shake of her head. As Hunter took her hand Ryan looked to him and smiled her eyes twinkling. She really did like riding with him, and she loved when he took her hand. Why she'd never know but it was just something about it that shot tingles up her arm.

Even if Ryan wasn't driving the rush that went through her was still an amazing one like she had. Some days when she raced it was what she lived off of and it was amazing. Out of breath and panting just a little Ryan looked to Hunter her eyes sparkling, a fire flickering in them. 

   "We do make a pretty amazing team. I could definitely get used to this."

Bringing Hunter's hand up to her lips Ryan gave it a kiss before giving it a little shake in her own from the excitement. Now came the next challenge, greeting everyone who would gather around for Hunter's win. She had made it this far tonight, she might as well push for the finish too.

   "Ready to meet your fans?"

Hope didn't mind that Scott had dozed off. Even if it wasn't for long as least it was a little peaceful sleep. She didn't mind watching Scott sleep either. At the moment he had looked so peaceful.

   "Mmmm..I didn't mind. I was actually quite relaxed myself."

Shifting just a little to stretch even though Hope didn't want to she knew they more than likely should pack up and she should head back to work before someone got worried. She had been a nice lunch though and she hoped it wouldn't be the last.

   "Oh, I guess we really should head back. I don't want to be in to to much trouble for being gone so long. I really did have a nice time though Scott...thank you."

Looking out the window and seeing Hal had pulled up Sam went back to the kitchen to grab there lunch she had made and her jacket. Heading to the door she stopped seeing Adison in the other room. More than likely she would be gone for the day soon with Kirk but she might as well let her know.

   "Hey Adison, I'm heading out and I'm not sure when I will be back but I just wanted to let you know."

Glancing over her shoulder at Sam Adison smile and gave a nod. She was happy her friend had found someone to hang out with and doing things with at the Elite. She didn't know if there was anything else there with them, but even if it was only friends she was glad.

   "Ok, dont get in too much trouble."

Exiting the apartment and making her way to Hal's car Sam opened the back door and put the basket of food in the back along with her coat. She wasn't sure what the weather would be like today so at least she would be prepared.  

   "Good Morning!"

Getting into the front seat and buckling her seat belt Sam turned a little to Hal and smiled. She was actually a little excited about fishing with him today. It was something new and she did like challenges. 

   "How has your morning been so far?"