March 8, 2017


Hearing the tone of Misty's voice, Rick tensed. He knew she wouldn't just call him on a whim. Something was going on, and he couldn't just turn his back. "Okay. Hang tight. I'll be right there." After hanging up, it didn't take him but five minutes to be ready to go, and he aimed for the office...

Jason frowned, not liking being told he'd have to stay. "It's just the flu," he mumbled. "I'll be fine." As he tried to push himself up to sit, his arms gave out, sending him sliding back to the pillow. His eyes fell shut before he pried them open again. The room was just a tad fuzzy. "Maybe I shouldn't drive," he admitted groggily. Actually, he really didn't feel like moving. Maybe staying here wasn't such a bad idea after all.

It was rather difficult not to notice the stares as Rick walked through the Elite's main floor. He didn't talk to anyone though, and went straight to the infirmary. It felt odd to be here again. He didn't want to be, and yet... it was kind of like coming home. Seeing Misty as he entered, he could tell help a small smile. It was good to see her again and she looked good, aside from the worry on her face. As much as he wanted to chat though, this was not a social call. 

"What seems to be the trouble here?"

Hearing Rick's voice, Jason opened his eyes again. "Aw... Misty, you got the doc so worried he actually came back."

Rick rolled his eyes and came closer. "You look like crap."

"Oh, thanks." Jason shivered as more chills hit. "Your bedside manner hasn't improved I see."

Rick smirked. "Not hardly." He gave Jason a thorough check before quietly speaking to Misty off to the side. "I think you were right to call me. Something feels off. His eyes are just..." He couldn't put his finger on it. "I wanna do a blood draw and check it out. In the meantime, we'll keep him here. I'd love for us to be wrong, but my gut says there's more here than just the flu." He reached out and gave her shoulder a little squeeze. "We'll get it figured out."

He stayed the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, making sure Jason slept, and waiting on blood work results...

...Jason writhed in bed as sweat trickled down his face. He felt so hot but so cold. His mind was moving in a thousand different directions and he couldn't feel which way was up or down. Nothing made sense.

Rick sighed as he stood near the bed, watching. They'd tried to get his fever down, but so far with no luck. His blood work wasn't showing signs of illness, which was worrisome. Obviously Jason was sick, but if it wasn't a physical factor, then they were dealing with what he feared the most. He glanced at Misty, knowing he didn't have to say it out loud. 

Without warning, terror surged through Jason's veins. All sleep-induced thoughts were halted with only one thing remaining. Katie. 

He sat bolt upright in bed as his eyes flew open. "Katie!" He looked around wildly, trying to get his bearings. "Where's Katie? What happened?"

"Whoa whoa, take it easy." Rick had just about been startled out of his skin. He went to gently move Jason back down but his hands were shoved to the side.

"No!" Jason put a hand to his throbbing head and winced. "Something's wrong!" he insisted. "Where's Katie?"

"She went home a couple hours ago, remember?"

"I need to call her."

"Jase, it was just a bad dream."

"But I need to call her."

"She's fine. It-"

"Give me my phone!" Jason's eyes blazed. Sick or not, he was not going to lie here and do nothing. Not after what he'd just experienced.

Rick exchanged a look with Misty before giving in. "Okay." He found Jason's phone on the table and handed it to him.

Jason dialed shakily, relief washing over him as Katie finally answered. "Katie... are you okay? I just... I wanted to make sure..."

Eli gave Ryan a reassuring smile. "I think you're right.... And I know he's going to be just fine. None of this was your fault."

Pulling up to the apartment, he parked and shut off the engine before leaning his head back and turning to look at her. "You did awesome tonight, by the way. I know it was stressful but... I'm proud of you."

Genuine surprise crossed Hal's eyes. Surprise about Aaron and surprise about Sam not being a cook. He chuckled and took another bite of quesadilla. "Well... I can't complain with my mouth full. Maybe Aaron needs some cookbooks to read along with his magazines."

He threw Sam a teasing glance. "Or maybe that's you." Stretching out his legs, he leaned back, quite content.  "I really don't cook all that much myself," he admitted. "Every time I get adventurous, I fill the kitchen with smoke and my neighbor things the building needs to be evacuated."