March 4, 2017


Travis sighed and shook his head. "There's nothing for you to be sorry about. It's not your fault." He tucked his hands in his jacket pockets and studied the grass around his feet. "I guess maybe 'cause he's been a pain, I might have been kinda jealous too, and I probably could have handled things better."

Glancing up at her, he moved around to stand at her side so his shoulder was against hers. "I'll try to not be such a bear around him, okay?" He nudged her lightly. "Long as I got nothing to worry about..."

If Scott relaxed any more, he knew he would fall asleep, and tried to keep his mind alert. "I think you need glasses," he mumbled. Maybe love really was blind. 

All at once, Domino came bounding over. She'd found a stick and was carrying it proudly between her teeth as she jumped on Scott's stomach. Scott's eyes flew open and be tensed as the wind was knocked out of him. "Oof! Domino!"

She continued to walk all over him, mainly looking to Hope for attention, acting like she wanted to give her the stick, then shying away at the last second to spring off Scott and run circles around them.

Scott rolled his eyes but couldn't help his smile. "I think somebody's jealous." His fingers ran lightly over Hope's hand. "If I got my camera out... would you let me take some pictures of you?"

Eli grinned and shrugged. "Oh, work was work. You know. Got the job done though. Figured you wouldn't mind Romeo picking you up anyway."

Hunter threw him a smirk before smacking his arm. "That is not my name."

Eli quirked an eyebrow. "Oh you'll have e a whole variety of names before I'm done with you." Catching sight of a familiar face, he suddenly broke off from them. "I'll see your guys at the finish line."

Hunter steered Ryan towards a few old racing pals - none were close friends, but these were the consistent racers who usually got along.

"Hey, look who's back." Zan came forward and offered Hunter a friendly handshake. His black leather jacket was the norm, as was his short, messy blonde hair. He never raced without his fingerless gloves, or without the locket that hung on his rearview mirror - everyone had a theory about where it had come from, but he had never told anyone the truth, so there were many rumors. He was one of the top racers here, and a winner, but usually when Hunter and Ryan sat things out.

Hunter returned the firm handshake. "Hey, Zan. Yeah, figured ten days off was long enough for you all to catch your breath."

Zan laughed, his dark eyes dancing in the nearby firelight. He turned to Ryan and gave her a respectful nod before holding out his hand to her as well. "McKade... Saw you around this guy recently and was hoping you'd be back. Racing tonight?"