March 4, 2017

I don't know

Starting her walk with Travis was nice and Ashlee was happy the weather was nice as well. Still feeling something was off Ashlee walked but felt a little strange. She wasn't sure what was going on that Travis needed to talk to her about. 

Hearing what Travis said Ashlee just listened. She new about the tension because not only did she feel but the talk she had, had with Dylan as well.

   "I don't know why both of you two can't just get along, I can a great deal about you as my boyfriend and I care for Dylan as my friend."

As the stopped by the fence Ashlee leaned on the post next to Travis and just listened as he talked and as her eyes scanned the field. Was Dylan jealous of Travis? Was that the reason he didn't like him. Dylan has said he missed her company. If there was anything more she wasn't sure since he hadn't said anything. 

   "Dylan knows He and I can only be friends. Maybe he is a little jealous too. We use to spend a bunch of time together and now we don't. Half is because I am with you, and half is his own doing. But since I am actually not there, maybe he knows what he is missing now."

Pushing off the fence and digging her toe into the dirt. Ashlee was quiet for a long moment. Dylan had called it that Travis wouldn't like she was hanging out with him but Dylan was her friend. This whole dating someone thing was confusing. Maybe it was because she was new at it, but a lot of stuff just didn't make sense. 

   "I'm sorry Dylan doesn't like you much. I honestly don't know why."

Continuing to just run her hands though Scott's hair Hope closed her own eyes just remembering how Scott was before. It was hard to remember herself at times.

   "You were shy, but funny. You loved to laugh and smiled, you were kind heart and tender."

Quiet for a second and opening her eyes looking down at Scott she gave a smile even though his eyes were closed. 

   "You are still all those things you know, with just a little bit more in the way too."

Hearing Eli's voice Ryan turned her head to look at him and gave a smile. She was happy he made it and wasn't to, too late.

   "Heya! Nope you didn't miss much. We only just got here a little bit ago. How was work?"