March 3, 2017

New Blood

Just looking up at Hunter Ryan knew she could get lost in his eyes. He was so different from everyone else, there was just a calm that was around even the roughest of his edges and Ryan liked it. It made her feel safe, it made her feel special, it made her feel loved. 

   "Sounds good to me! Now let's eat before I am the reason you are late."

Ryan smiled before bowing her head and saying a quick prayer. Taking a bite of her food and chewing she was satisfied. For some reason, the melt tasted better today than the other times she had made it. Maybe because she had the best copilots helping her tonight she could ask for. 

   "So since I have been away is there any new blood at the races? I feel so out of the loop which is odd for me."

Sitting with Scott Hope was happy he still wanted to join her for lunch. She knew this was a big step for him, and she was, please. If he took it slowly she didn't mind as long as he was moving forward. She'd kept the sandwiches on the lighter side for Scott's own sake, and was happy to see he was trying to eat. 

   "Have you tried keeping those breakfast protein shakes on hand? I know when I was in and out of the hospital with treatments there was a lot of times I could hardly stomach anything. Those were nice to sip on though and at least put a little something in my stomach. Might be worth a try for you. Even if it takes you a while to get it all down at least it is something and it's not too heavy."

Hope felt bad for Scott. She knew how hard this way for him, and she knew how hard it was for him to talk about it too. At the same time though she was proud that he was opening up to her. It meant a lot thought that he was talking to her and being open and honest. She only hoped she could help a little.

   "What does he want you to eat more of? Maybe I can help make it a little easier for you by spicing it up, or spicing it down so maybe it will settle more."

   "Or maybe you don't need a reason at all? Not everything is by chance, maybe you were just meant to meet her."

Dalton gave a small smile. He was always to forward when it came to women, and other people. He never would understand why people beat around the bush was it was clear there like the company of another. Maybe Jamison really was that shy thought.

   "I'm not sure if the Elite need to be at the University. The Agency is always everywhere so I am sure that have someone there, but we have nothing to go on. We could always do a little more digging and find out though."

   "I don't think you are doing anything wrong. As long as Ashlee is feeling comfortable where you guys are at, and not to much pressure I think you both are doing ok."

Smiling Angel reached across the table and patted Travis hand. She could see he cared a great deal for Ashlee and it warmed her heart really that he did. He was a good kid. From the short time she had known him already, she could tell that.

   "You're dad, and Ashlee's mom might see it as fast because well they love you guys and they just want to make sure everything goes on. They dont want to see you guys make any mistakes."

Taking in another deep breath Ashlee finally stood and headed inside. She was beyond tried but she promised Travis she would meet him for coffee and maybe after that she would feel a little more awake. 

Scanning the room and seeing him sitting with Angel they looked deep in conversation and didn't want to bothing him. Giving a wave and motioning she was gonna get some coffee that is what she said. Just giving them time to finish up talking without her butting in.