March 18, 2017


Scott was feeling awfully tired. There was no special reason, although Justin had forced him to take a walk this afternoon, and that had worn him out. Justin had said he'd talked with Garret, and had encouraged Scott to stop fighting the data, but Scott wasn't so sure he was ready for that yet. 

Hope's question went unanswered until he snapped his attention back. "Hmm? Oh... um... we can go on the deck." It was a nice, warm evening, and the fresh air would feel good. He managed to help her clear away the dishes, although by the time they got out on the deck, he was utterly exhausted. 

Sitting down in a chair next to Hope, he took a deep breath of the evening air. It was fairly quiet here, and the breeze felt nice as it combed through his hair. Before he knew it, his eyes had fallen shut. "Thank you for supper," he mumbled. His grip on his iced tea started to slip. "It was really good." 

Hal chuckled and shook his head. "I think you're the first woman I've met who cooks less than I do. Next time I'm gonna make you cook the fish so you can add that to the list of things you know how to fix." He took a strawberry and enjoyed chewing it. The fruit really was his favorite. 

He leaned back in the couch and turned his face to her, just studying her features for a moment. She really was an attractive woman. Why she'd chosen to befriend him was beyond him, but... he was rather enjoying her company. It was hard to express, and he still felt a little awkward with the whole thing, but... the more time he spent with her, the more he was able to relax and ignore his anxieties. 

"There will be a next time, right?" He gave her a little smile that turned into a sheepish smirk. "We don't have to go fishing for me to invite you over again though... if... that's what you'd like, that is."

Clint saw the tears in Wendy's eyes, and wanted to tell her he'd be fine, but he gave up as she rose from the couch. He'd thought some affection might help her chill out but... apparently not. At least she'd agreed to supper though... that was good, right? 

Unfortunately, even supper didn't go quite as planned. Even though Clint tried to be happier and he tried to smile more, eating out in town did little to improve the tense atmosphere. Talking about the issue just made things worse, and not talking about it just made Wendy even quieter. Why couldn't it be easier? 

Even though on the way home he kept her hand in his, it was as if there was a stone wall between them. He'd never felt it before. Never noticed it. Did that mean it was new, or had he just not realized it as it was being built? He really didn't know. But even as he put his arm around her in bed that night, there was something there... something between them that had never existed before. And it only added to to his misery. 

"Alright... here we go." Rick sat behind the wheel of Jason's pickup as they pulled out of the Elite's parking lot early the next morning. It was decided he'd drive after Jason had woken up this morning with a headache and dizzy. 

Sitting in the back seat with Katie, it wasn't the most comfortable with his long legs, but Jason was doing his best to stay positive. "Just keep us on the road," he teased.

Rick smirked and adjusted the rearview mirror. "Behave, and I will." 

Jason grinned and reached over to take Katie's hand. 
I... have a problem... I may not have told my mom about any of this...