March 12, 2017


Continuing to just ride with Hunter in the lead Ryan took in the area. She didn't know where they were and she didn't mind. She trusted Hunter with her life, something she did with very few people. She knew he wouldn't lead her into danger though or take her to a place that was dangerous.

Pulling into the parking lot and seeing the sign Ryan couldn't help but chuckle to herself. It was pretty witty and just seemed to tickle her funny bone. As Hunter got off the bike Ryan did as well and took her helmet off. Looking at the little place she smiled before looking back at Hunter.

   "Some of the best places around are the ones less known."

Getting to their table Ryan couldn't deny it smelled good on the inside. She stomach growled a little louder and she grinned at Hunter across the table finding his foot with her own and giving it a tap. 

   "I like shrimp, lobster, and crab, that's about it. So you got lucky."

Smiling as Kirk kissed her she couldn't help but smile even bigger she loved Kirk's affection and always would. 

   "I think if you pay me in a few more of those kisses that will work well."

Leaning her head on Kirk's shoulder for a long moment she thought and chuckled. Two days was a pretty long time for them to go without spending almost all day together. 

   "Pizza at your place sounds like a good plan to me. Maybe throw in a little more payment, a least it something to be looking forward to."

Just continuing to listen to Clint Angel would tell there was a lot of anger there and she could tell by his words it was mostly directed at Wes. Why she wasn't sure, maybe he felt abandoned but she new something needed to be done before he broke.

   "You need to work it out with someone else Clint, not just yourself. I'm worried about you."

Angel really was worried and she loved Clint like he was her son. He was married to her daughter after all and he meant the world to her. She missed the happy Clint, and would do anything to see him back again.