March 13, 2017


Clint woke with a start and stared into the living room, trying to get his bearings. He groaned when he realized he was still on the couch. Talk about a wasted day. Getting up, he winced. His wrist was throbbing. He trudged to the door, slipped his boots back on and bent to lace them up, only to realize he could hardly tie them with a bum hand, just adding to his frustration. 

Eventually he managed, and went back outside. It was late afternoon now, and it looked like chores were starting, and he imagined supper preparations were beginning as well. He and Wendy were going to eat at the main house tonight. Or at least that had been the plan.

Back inside the garage, he surveyed the mess. Tools were in disarray. The floor needs to be cleaned. The truck sat with open hood as if mocking his clumsiness. 

No more. Turning with back against the work bench, he slid down to sit on the floor, his knees close to his chest. He couldn't take it anymore. He just couldn't. 

It was a good half hour later when he pulled out his phone and sent a text to Wendy. 
Working late. 
Go ahead and eat. 
I'll eat later.
He sighed and leaned his head back against the bench. He probably wouldn't eat, but at least this way she wouldn't worry too much. He just needed time to think. Time to figure out where he was going to look for work, and when he'd inform Mick he wasn't going to do this anymore. 

Seeing the terror on Thirteen's face, Garret's gut twisted just a little. He'd lied so coolly when he'd come before. About not knowing her. Today wasn't about lies though. It was about the truth. 

He didn't move a muscle, so as not to frighten her any more. "I'm not going to take you anywhere. I came to tell you that I lied. I do remember you. But I'm not going to hurt you." She was am innocent. And he was through harming those who didn't deserve it. 

He searched Thirteen's face. That fear... He used to like seeing it. It meant he had control. Power. And now... It just made him feel weak. 

He slowly took off his ball cap so she could see his face better too. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm... I'm not the same as I used to be. Just like Carson." His eyes fell. He didn't know who he was anymore... but he did know he was no longer the man who served Medridge. "You didn't deserve to be a lab rat. But you at least done have to worry about me anymore."