March 9, 2017

It's Back

"Um... a little." Jason settled down a little further and a little closer to Katie. "I don't have a fever anymore so that's good." He fell silent for a few moments, thinking hard about what was going to happen next. "Hey, Rick..." 

Rick looked up from his work. He'd been concentrating so hard on his work that he hadn't even noticed Katie arrive. Wandering over, he gave her a smile. "Hi, Katie. Fancy meeting you here." 

Jason gained a new grin. "Can I get out of here for a while?" 

"I'd rather you stayed here so I can..." Rick's voice trailed off as he looked between them. No... sometimes it was better to just let him go and take the risk. His shoulders dropped a little. "Or if you want to leave for a while, that would be okay. Just be careful." 

Jason nodded gratefully and turned, giving Katie a kiss to the forehead. "Let's go to the park for a bit, huh? You better drive though, since my head's still a little foggy." He knew that Katie would sense something serious going on, and she'd know he had some kind of motive for going to the park. It felt like talks never brought good things, but was necessary. 

Despite feeling so weak, he managed to get up and get his shoes on, the follow Katie through the building, then outside to her car. "How about going to the park," he suggested. It would be peaceful there, and it was a nice, warm morning. He was quiet during their ride there. It wasn't an awkward silence - but it was tense, in spite of Jason's effort not to make it so. 

Once at the park, he took Katie's hand as they walked slowly down the path. "Rick did some blood work," he finally mentioned quietly. His pace slowed even more until he stopped and turned to look down at Katie. Taking her other hand that matched his own, he put his scarred palm on top of hers before tightening his grip. "It's back..." He couldn't really call it a connection since it appeared to be one-sided right now. "It finally showed up in the results. Faint, but there. Since there's no other explanation for why I've been sick... Rick's ninety percent sure that's what it is and... I know in my gut that's what it is, too." 

He swallowed hard as his eyes searched hers. "He doesn't know what to do," he whispered. "And neither do I."

Hearing his phone again, Hunter moved his head a little and opened one eye to read the text before a smile emerged. He finally rolled over onto his back and blinked, trying to wake up.
Sure thing. Give me a little while.
Gotta wake up...
And get up.
Be there in a bit.

He yawned and eventually threw off his blanket and got out of bed to stagger to the shower. Coffee was definitely going to be on the menu today...

...It didn't take too long for him get ready, and soon he was on his motorcycle, zipping across town. Pulling up in front of the apartment, he honked the horn a couple times, not bothering to take his helmet off. He knew Ryan would be right out. And after that? He'd take her wherever she wanted to those couple stops she'd mentioned.