March 10, 2017


Hunter's face was hidden behind the helmet's shield, but he was smiling as Ryan joined him. He reached back and gave her leg a pat. Mom and Pop's? That was interesting, since she'd kind of had a hard time there the other day. He wouldn't question her though. If that's what she wanted that's where they'd go.

"You got it... You're the navigator. Hang on." He made sure he could feel her settled on tight before he took off. He took the long route to the little restaurant, although it didn't take any longer at a rather high speed. Soon, he was pulling up to the curb and cutting the engine. After taking his helmet off, he turned to look over his shoulder, giving Ryan a grin. "I don't think I said good morning yet." 

Inside the restaurant, Carson was sweeping the floor and putting the chairs back in their places around the tables. The girls would be here in about half an hour, but he'd gotten an early start since he was going to ask them to handle things without him this afternoon so he could go work on the house. It was coming along nicely, but it was still going to be a while before he and Misty could move, and the more time he could take to go over there, the better.

Jason lifted his other hand to cradle the side of Katie's face, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. "I won't let it tear us apart this time," he assured. "We both know I was the one who fought it before... I won't do that to you again." If her side of it even came back. He wasn't sure which was worse... facing this alone at the risk of death, or facing it together and having her go through it with him. His hand slide down to her shoulder, then down her arm to pick up her hand where the promise ring was on her finger. He lifted it up to remind her it was there. "This hasn't changed." 

After studying her eyes a few moments, he started walking again and led her over to a bench where he sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. "At least we know I'm not super sick," he reasoned. "That's what Rick had been worried about." That much was true at least. But which was worse? At least many diseases were curable. 

Silence reigned for a few minutes. What could be said? Jason's mind was racing, and he could feel his body fighting whatever this was. He felt tired. Weak. It had been getting progressively worse, and there were no answers. Reaching over, he took her scarred palm against his again, letting their hands rest in his lap. He remembered a time when he'd shied away from getting closer to Katie. He'd shied away from the challenges. The pain. Even the love itself. Even so, mixed in were memories of wanting nothing but closeness to her. He remembered being in prison and experiencing the pain of glass between them without being about to touch. He remembered lying on the floor, caught in a flashback, and relying only on her physical touch to bring him out of it. They'd been through so much... couldn't they catch a break now? 

Turning a little to face her more, he brought her hand up, still keeping his palm against hers as his fingers gently ran along hers, turning and feeling her own touch. He could feel a rise in his emotions... worry... anxiousness... fear... but mixed in were good ones too. Care... happiness... love. And as if there had never been a break at all, he felt them surface, teetering on the edge of the boiling point, desperate to be released and absorbed by the only person who could accept them.