March 10, 2017


Feeling Jason's hand intertwined with her Katie gave a small smile, but what if her ability didn't come back. Would it kill Jason like it had threatened before? Was there a way to speed things along, would it just come back, or did she need to do something?

   "You are not alone, and we will figure this out. Even if we don't have answers right now, we will just take it one day at a time and I won't leave your side."

Turning and feeling Jason's hand in her own Katie closed her eyes for a moment just continuing to feel his touch and concentrating on it. As Jason ran his fingers over hers Katie could feel a small pull. It wasn't massive like it once but she could feel it there, slowly...very so slowly taking in some of Jason's emotions.

   "I can feel it...slightly."

Opening her eyes and searching Jason's face Katie just let her emotions take Jason's. Even if it was small at least it was something and it meant that her ability was still there too. Maybe over time now it would get stronger but at least it was there.

   I'm not going to leave you...ever.

Katie's thoughts and emotions flowed slowly. Taking her other hand she brought it to Jason's face and just ran her fingers over the curves in his face, over his scar. Leaning in her pressed her lips to his just continuing to absorb what she could. 

Hanging on as they zigzagged Ryan rested her head on Hunter' back as the air just washed over them. It always felt nice being on a bike, but was even better when it was Hutner she got to put her arms around.

Getting to Mom and Pop and Hunter turned the bike off Ryan removed her helmet and just sat there for several long moments. Leaning up when Hunter looked over his shoulder she placed a kiss on his lips before drawing away and smiling.

   "Good Morning!"

Going in for another one Ryan let it linger for several long moments before finally pulling away and getting off the bike. Letting her hand run along Hunter's arm. Even though he had his jacket on she still liked doing it. As her hand found his, Ryan gave it a squeeze. 

   "I won't be long. Don't miss me too much...ok?"

Turning Ryan went to the door and hesitated for a moment before finally pushing it open. The restaurant wasn't open yet and that was ok with her. Fewer people was more than likely better at the moment.


Ryan stepped in closer to where Carson was and tried to offer the best smile she could. It was still had to see Carson. Alec sure did look a lot like him but she could do this, she had too.

Reaching into her pocket and taking out the small package she held it for a long moment before opening it and pulling out a stack of pictures. Looking down and seeing Alec's smiling face looking back at her. Ryan fought to keep her tears at bay. Not now, not at the moment. Though she tried a few still escaped.

   "I thought you might like these. I kept some for myself and didn't have the heart to throw the rest of them away."

Holding them out to Carson Ryan small and laughed just a little looking at the picture on the top again. 

   "Alec always did hate smiling in photos. I think this was actually one of the very rare moments I caught one."