March 17, 2017


Mick had no idea what was really going on with Clint, but he would do his best to help in any way he could. His heart went out to the little family... maybe moreso, knowing that Jim's help would surely be refused by Clint after recent events. His brother had caused some permanent damage to his and Clint's relationship, and Mick knew without a father's support, it just made things harder. 

He gave Wendy a new smile. "We'll figure it out. Don't worry." He really didn't know how to help, but seeing things were far worse than he'd thought, he wasn't going to just ignore it now.  

"Coming?" Clint appeared in the kitchen doorway. He hadn't shaved, but he was up and dressed, albeit haphazardly. His eyes wore dark circles today, showing the physical signs of stress. 

Mick glanced over his shoulder, then back to Wendy and handed Chase off to her, giving her a wink. "Alright," he answered Clint. "Let's go." He led the way, and Clint followed grudgingly...

..."So what's going on with you?" Mick cut some tangled wire from a fence as Clint held it in place for him.

Clint frowned. "Nothing."

"Not true. Talk to me."

"Why should I?"

"Because whatever it is, it's eating you up." Mick eyed him. "Heard you had some heated words with Wes. What's up with that?"

"Look, I don't want to talk about it," Clint growled. "You're his brother. You'll just defend him anyway."

"Defend him against what?" When Mick didn't get an answer, he sighed and focused on their work. At least Clint was up and moving - that was good enough... 

..."But he wouldn't talk to me." Mick stood in the kitchen with Rosetta a clue hours later in their own house, eating a banana. He'd missed lunch since he'd been working with Clint, and the fence was fixed, but nothing else. 

Mick leaned back against the counter and folded one arm across his chest as he snacked. "I honestly don't know what's eating him, but it's affecting him and Wendy. I think they're okay, but only if he snaps out of it. I just don't know how to help him."

Clint retuned to his house after helping Mick, but instead of going inside right away, he eased down to sit on the porch step, leaning his head against the railing. He hadn't yet had anything to eat all day, and his stomach rumbled, but he ignored it. What he really wanted to do was go back to sleep, but Wendy would probably get after him. Adjusting his weight, he winced and looked at his wrist where he'd forgotten to bandage it before working with Mick. Getting up, he wandered to Angel's office, and knocked before going inside. 

"Sorry to bug ya..." His shoulders drooped. "I, um... My wrist is hurting and I think it might be getting infected." He bit his lip. "Also wondered if you had anything to help me sleep... I've been so tired today, I... I think I haven't been sleeping well."

Sam's compliment caused heat to crawl up Hal's neck, and he concentrated very hard on the fish. She... didn't mean to flirt with him, did she? Surely not...

"Oh. Um." He tried to get his mind back on track. "There's some... dishes in that cupboard​." He nodded above the counter near the stove where he stood. "If you want to set the table. Silverware is in the second drawer to the right and... You can grab a couple glasses on the other side of the sink."

He flipped the fillets over as they turned a golden brown, and dipped several more in the batter. The aroma of fresh fish filled the air. It didn't take long for all the food to be ready, and soon it was all on the table. Hal sat catty-cornered from Sam, and after a prayer, he helped pass the food, making sure she got what she wanted. 

Taking a bite of fish, he sighed with content. He just hoped Sam liked it. Most people either really liked fish or hated it. "Pretty sure I got all the bones," he commented. "But if you hit one or two, I apologize."