December 15, 2016


Garret kept scrubbing his bowl, even though it was clean, just to keep his eyes down for a few additional seconds. He stole a glance at Maggie though. And he shouldn't have. There were those puppy dog eyes again. Were circumstances different, he would have enjoyed her attention more. But he had a lingering fear that tomorrow...everything would change. Whether things went well with Scott or not...what would that mean for Garret? Would he even be around this weekend? Would he even be able to go to Maggie's dance or would he be behind bars?

He mustered up a small smile and nodded. He'd dance with her tonight. He'd choose a different CD to avoid painful memories this time, but he'd give her his time tonight. He couldn't bear to disappoint her.

"As long as you get your schoolwork done," he responded gently. Rinsing the bowl, he set it in the drainer, then worked on their silverware.

Still at the table, Laura reached across and took Nate's hand. She felt badly for Garret...he looked like he was having a hard time again today. Which was to be expected, for sure. One didn't just lose all that baggage overnight. It was hard though, watching him go through it. Seeing how he was with Maggie though, gave her hope. And at the very least, Maggie was smiling.

Garret quietly helped with the rest of the dishes, and it wasn't too much later that he was in the living room once again, a new selection of waltzes ready. Waiting for Maggie, he kept his mind from wandering too far into the past. There were other things to worry about now...but even those needed to be pushed aside to make sure Maggie still smiled.

Travis dismounted from his third ride that morning, already starting to get sore. He'd never claimed to be a skilled rider, and having anxious mounts was nerve-racking to say the least, not to mention physically draining.

"How'd she handle?" Lane approached to take the reins.

Travis shrugged. "Okay I guess. She's settled down now."

"Good. Time for breakfast. Go grab a bite, don't dawdle and come back."

Travis sighed, but didn't roll his eyes like he wanted to. He couldn't remember the last time he'd actually been punished by his dad, let alone at this level. He was eighteen and felt like he was being treated like a five year old. He wanted to retaliate. He wanted to refuse to do as he was told. He was angry about what was happening, but knew if he dared cross that line, the consequences would be even worse.

Turning without a word, he stalked to the main house. He'd just as soon keep working but he needed a bathroom and some coffee. It was only on his way back out to the barn that he saw Ashlee taking a wheelbarrow of manure out of the barn. At least she was still alive. He quickened his pace. Maybe he could at least catch her eye or say hi as he passed or... Eric stood in the barn doorway with folded arms. chance. Travis slowed and let the opportunity pass. He'd figure something else out later.

Back with another mare, Fairy, a few minutes later, he walked to the riding ring, and stopped short at the gate. Last night's anger came back in full force as he saw Dylan and Seven. Fairy stamped her foot on the ground and snorted. Travis entered the ring and closed the gate again before mounting up. Keeping his distance for just a few minutes, he eventually trotted over to where Dylan was turning Seven in small circles to discipline him for misbehaving. "Hey!" Travis' tone was not happy.

Dylan stopped what he was doing, and quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, hey, Travis."

"Don't 'hey Travis' me." He glared at Dylan. "Pull another stunt like that again, and you'll be sorry."

Dylan just smirked a little and started forward again at a walk. "What happened? Wake up Stacy, did you?" 

"Shut up." Travis came up beside him and fought to keep Fairy under control. 

"Better be careful with her," Dylan warned, nodding at the mare. "She likes to-"

"I'm not here about the horse," Travis retorted. Fairy skipped a little, and he yanked on the reins. "Do you like seeing me in worse trouble?"

Dylan rolled his eyes and sped up to a trot. 

Travis urged Fairy forward to keep up, despite her tossing her head. "Are you jealous that I had a date with Ashlee or what?" 

Dylan gritted his teeth, but refused to fight - not when he had Seven underneath him. He glanced over at Fairy, who was growing more agitated. "Calm down and back off," he warned again. 

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Travis raised his voice. His balance started to shift as their trotting sped up, and he bounced in the saddle. "You're a royal jerk, you know that? I thought-"

"Steady." Dylan eyed the mare one more time. 

"Would you quit-" Travis' words were cut short as the mare stopped dead, threw her head down, and bucked. Hard. Travis hadn't been paying enough attention and was easily unseated. Tumbling over the mare's head, he did an unintentional somersault and landed on his back in the dirt. The wind was knocked out of him completely and he winced, gasping for breath. 

Dylan skidded to a halt and held Seven steady. "Travis - you okay?" 

He blinked and lifted his hand. He felt okay...mostly. "I...think so," he managed. 

Urging Seven into a lope, Dylan headed to the gate where Fairy was whinnying and circling back and forth. "Hey, hey, baby," he crooned. "Come on, settle down." She responded to his voice and slowed, letting him ride up and grab her reins. He steered her back to Travis who was just getting up off the ground. "I think you lost something." 

Travis brushed off his jeans and shot Dylan a new glare before yanking the reins from him.

"Hey." Dylan's tone was stern. "You take your anger out on that horse one more time, and I'll knock you out of the saddle myself." 

Travis just scoffed and stayed on foot to go back to the gate.