December 19, 2016

Free Man

Even if she didn't want to leave Hope new it was best to just give Rick his space and work. Following Jason out and sitting down all she could do was wait. Even when Reese came over she just let Jason explain everything to him. Closing her eyes and leaning her head back she waited. As long as it took, she'd wait.

Coming into the Elite again Dalton made his way over to where Rick and Jason were. How could this happen. His blood boiled with the though of Garret hurting Scott. It took all he could to keep his own emotions in check.

   "How's he doing?"

Shifting a little to watch the screens with Hal Sam wondered what was going on. She had over heard a little that Scott was missing and wondering where they had found him. Her eyes drifted to Aaron seeing at the moment he was calm.

   "Ok, I'll stay here for now and just wait. I hope Scott will be ok. He looks in rough shape."

Continuing to drive Nate just listened as Garret talked. His heart broke for him hearing about how Scott blackmailed him. He never would think Scott to be that kind of person, but hearing the hurt in Garret's voice he new it was true.

   "I'm so sorry that Scott made you do that Garret. That wasn't fair to you at all."

The drive back to the Elite didn't seem long enough as Nate wished it would be. Pulling into the drive way and just sitting there for a long moment his heart ached. He new Reese was going to be hard on Garret. It was going to take a lot of work. Turning to look at Garret again Nate played with the keys in his hand for a long moment.

   "You could take these keys now and just go, drive and keep driving. The elite would never find you, you could be a free man and start a whole new life without anyone knowing. Why don't you?"

Ryan liked listing to how Hunter talked. Even if he was going though his own troubles there was a piece in his words. His voice was just soft, Ryan liked it and it made her feel comfortable. The ranch he spoke of sounded really nice too. She'd never been to a place like that to a place that helped people like that. For a moment Ryan's mind wondered. If only there was something around here like that.

Bringing her mind back though as Hunter made comment about the pizza Ryan just watched. Seeing Zidan look up at her she gave a nod.

   "Go ahead Zidan."

Seeing Ryan said it was on Zidan sniffed the crust before very carefully taking it from Hunter's hand. Dropping it on the ground and licking it a few times Zidan finally picked it up and in just a few bites it was gone. Getting up from his resting place and sitting in going over to Hunter he sat down before putting a paw in his lap and giving his hand a quick lick.

   "Looks like you made a friend for life now. Means we will have to have you over more."