December 21, 2016

Kinda Weird

Eli smirked a little at Ryan's last statement. "I hate to break it to you, but that's kinda why they're there, ya know. To help with others' problems. Do you think Justin chose his profession because he didn't want to deal with others? It's...what he lives for." He fell very quiet for a moment as his mind wandered to the Elite, then back again.

"If you want to try it, we'll make it happen. At the very least, maybe a change of scenery would be good. You don't have to go in search of their help, but maybe just getting away would be a nice distraction,'s a safe place. I know that." He thought again for another moment. "Other than me... if anyone else could go with you... who would you choose?" Someone from church? Someone from work? He wondered. Was she even really close to anyone?

Aaron had read through the newest magazines at least three times already. His boredom was growing something closer to a dull ache in his soul that seemed to suppress any real emotions. He wasn't even sure where his anger was right felt like it was buried under a heavy cloud of gloom. What was the point in being happy or sad, when this was it for him? He had no choice. No option for the future. The little fiasco with Scott was the most interesting thing that had happened, but even then, when he'd asked questions, Rick had promptly shut him up. And now even he was gone and it was just Misty, and she never talked to him. So ti was just him...the bed... handcuffs... and a knee that wouldn't stop hurting. 

He'd just started to doze off, when someone's presence made his eyes snap open again. Spying the paper bag, his stomach growled. He tried to sit up the best he could, but it was hard with how short the cuffs were. "Yeah," he admitted. He was hungry. 

He eyed Sam just a little suspiciously. "Are you always this...perky? 'Cause it's kinda weird." He tugged on his cuffs. "Gonna let me loose or you gonna feed me today?"

Laura smiled and just kept walking with Nate as he retrieved his gun and badge, then finished up for the day. He'd been so focused on work lately, it worried her. He was always busy - that was the nature of being an Elite agent. But lately...with the whole Garret thing...he'd been almost obsessed. She knew he believed in the cause and he believed in Garret, but with everything else going on, it was obvious that the whole thing was wearing on him. She'd never seen his eyes so tired. And while she agreed with making sure Garret was okay...she feared Nate was neglecting himself in the process. 

Getting home, she just did her best to let Nate rest, then later worked on a nice meal for supper. The house became filled withe warm scent of chicken and rice soup and fresh bread, and Laura let Janet take care of Brian the rest of the day just to keep everything quiet and peaceful. Once Maggie got home, Laura talked to her herself, simply telling her that Garret had to work late. She didn't know about the weekend...the dance...but wanted to hold off on that disappointment for as long as possible. 

Kyle grinned before giving Alice a squeeze. "Mmm... I'm having so much fun now... I don't know if I can stand much more." He laughed again. "But I'll try real hard." 

Standing up, he took her by the hand. "Come on. I threw together some lunch while you were gone and it's in the fridge. Something mild if you're feeling up to it."