December 26, 2016

Never Again

   "You are welcome Aaron. Happy Birthday."

Sam smiled again before standing and giving a little yawn. It was going to be a long day, she could feel it already. She'd make it though as long as she had stuff to do. For right now she would leave Aaron in piece and let his work on his new project. 

Leaving the room she smiled to herself a little. She was making a few steps forward. At least that's how it felt and even if it was a little slower than the others it still counted and she was pleased. She would still be cautious like Garret had told her but right now things were good.

Heading for the Security room for her normal greeting to Hal Sam steps to one side as Rick passes her. She wondered what that was about as her eyes followed him. Shrugging and entering the office Sam sat down in what she liked to now consider her own chair.

   "Good Morning Hal. I saw Rick come from this direction. He's not to happy with he?"

  "Good idea."

Nate gave a nod before looking down at his paper work and than back to Garret. Giving a nod to Reese's office Nate cocked his head for a second.

   "I'm pretty swamped with paper work at the moment. Want to take it to Reese and let him know?"

Garret could do this, and Reese needed to see how important Garret was too. Maybe this was an opportunity to show him that he could stand on his feet, and also test see how Reese would respond. If Garret needed help he would, but sooner or later he had to spread his wings and fly too.

Sitting quietly and eating her food slowly Beth listened as Justin talked. Things seemed quiet with them lately.  She didn't mind to much she new Justin was still trying to get over everything and in a way she felt he was taking it harder than she was. Blaming himself didn't help and she wished she could help but she didn't know how.

   "Even if I don't stay with you, I wont be safe. So I think I'd rather stay with you and be happy, than alone, and miserable."

Putting some of her chicken salad onto a cracker and taking a bite Beth falls silent again while she chewed. She hadn't brought up working with the Elite since Justin had gotten so mad at her but she still wanted to. She wanted to feel like she was helping, and doing something for the cause. She'd really been thinking a lot about it.

   "I will never blame you for Sarah's death, even if you blame yourself. I want you to keep working for the Elite, and I want to help them too. I'm already in danger and at least this way I will have more people watching my back. I want to find peace by helping others so they can find peace and not go through this too. I just want to help find who killed my sister."

Beth looked up again searching Justn's face. She loved him very much and would always respect his wishes. So if he really didn't want her to she would never ask again. Be she hoped he would let her help too.