December 24, 2016


Aaron rubbed his arm where he’d been swatted, finding her reaction amusing. What he’d said had been true though. She really was different, and he wondered why.

“Aw. I’m not worth talking about anymore, huh?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Maybe I ought to start acting out again. I could-”

“You could find yourself in even more trouble.” Rick came over with his clipboard and looked at him with very little humor. “Time to say goodbye to your handler, so we can get started on some therapy.”

Aaron sighed and moved his arm over so Sam could cuff it again. “Killjoy.”

The rest of the day dragged on like normal. There was very little of interest, other than a new magazine Sam brought to him. He was a little quieter than usual over lunch and maybe even a bit irritable by evening, but nothing too out of the ordinary for when he was in pain…

…It was late. The lights were down low. The infirmary was quiet. Everyone was gone for the day. Every once in a while a shadow passed under the door – probably overnight security. If not Hal, then that young guy. Ty. He never came in here though. Not unless Aaron put up a fuss because he needed the restroom.

Tonight though, he was focused on something else. Curling over as far as he could, his lips found the stray paperclip he’d been hiding. Working it around in his mouth, and using the bedrail for leverage, it took quite a while, but he managed to get one end straight. Almost losing it several times, he kept a hold on it with his teeth and tongue, then moved to the keyhole in his cuffs. His patience paid off, when finally they clicked open. Uncuffing his other arm next, he rubbed his wrists and sighed before glancing to the door. Slowly he eased out of bed and half hobbled, half hopped to the crutches against the wall. Reaching the hall, he looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear, then swung his way down to the break room.

“Yeah, he’s not doing much but…it’s just weird.” Ty held the phone to his ear as he looked at the security monitors. “No, he’s not even trying to leave. He went into the break room but I haven’t seen him come out. No…no, I won’t unless he tries to leave. Okay. Yeah, see you soon.” He hung up the phone and kept his eyes on the monitor that showed the hall since there was no camera in the break room. So much for a quiet night. One o’clock in the morning, and Aaron decides to fool around. 

Hal groaned and rolled over to find Sam’s number in his cell phone and dialed. “Hey. Wake up. Ty just called. Aaron apparently slipped his cuffs somehow, but it doesn’t look like he’s running. I’m going down there, but you’ll prolly beat me since you’re closer.” 

He sat up and squinted in the dark to find some jeans that would be clean enough to wear. “You can wait for me, or go in, but if you do that, just be careful.” 

In the break room at the Elite. Aaron sat at the table, his bad leg propped up on another chair. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared at his creation – a chocolate chip cookie from the vending machine, and a little green birthday candle he’d managed to find in one of the drawers. He’d also found a match, and the candle was burning away, melting down drip by drip into the cookie. But he left it be, just silently watching it burn.

Garret chuckled and nodded. “My feet are a little sore too. That’s the price to pay for dancing all evening.” He tossed her a wink before taking a sip of his own punch. He knew the event wouldn’t last too late – after all, this was a kid and family event. There were at least a couple dances left though. So once they’d had a breather, he stood and offered Maggie his hand to take her back out onto the floor. She wanted to dance, that’s what he’d give her, and no one would be able to say she quit early. 

When everything was over, Garret walked Maggie outside where he found the Elite vehicle just like Reese said it would be – thankfully – otherwise he would have had quite an interesting explanation to give Maggie. As it was, she would be spared any unfortunate details. 

The ride home was quiet, and by the time Garret pulled into the driveway, he realized Maggie had fallen asleep. After parking, he looked over at her and smiled. She was so worn out. He hoped the dance had been all she’d wanted it to be. He’d never planned to get this close to the family but…it felt…worth it. 

Getting out of the vehicle, he walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. Carefully he unbuckled Maggie, then ever so gently, he picked her up in his arms to carry her to the house. 

Inside, Laura had been curled up on the couch, relaxing with Nate when they’d heard the car. Getting up, she had seen Garret carrying Maggie, and threw Nate a smile. “If anyone ever thinks you’ve done a bad job with Garret, they need to see this.” She went to the door and opened it, quietly motioning Garret inside. “She didn’t fall asleep there, did she?” she whispered.

Garret shook his head. “Only about sixty seconds after she got in the car.” 

Laura grinned and pointed up the stairs. “Come on. Bring her up to her room.” 

Garret did as he was told, and carried Maggie up the stairs and to her bedroom. Lying her down on her bed, he stepped back and gave a little sigh. Laura smiled at him and nodded. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked quietly.

“Hmm? What?”

“Making someone that happy.” Laura nodded downstairs. “Someone’s dying to know how all this happened. I’ll put her to bed.” 

“Yeah. Okay.” Garret rubbed the back of his neck and yawned before going back downstairs. He went to the bedroom first though to change into a pair of jeans and t-shirt, then wandered out to the living room, easing down in the chair he usually chose. He looked over at Nate, only now finally letting the tiredness show in his eyes. “Hi.” 

Reese looked up at Angelica and smiled. “Mm…at least I’ve always got you in my corner.” He reached up to reach around the back of her head, pulling her back down to give her lips another kiss, longer this time. “And when Kirk gets me fired, you can be my lawyer.” Humor twinkled in his eyes. He was worried about all this, and yet…he knew he’d done the right thing. So if he paid for it, so be it. 

Sitting up, he turned around and pushed Angelica down on her back to lean over her as he smiled. “But for now, we can live in ignorant bliss, right?”