December 25, 2016


Aaron just shook his head. He really didn't know what to think. There were red flags popping up all over the place in the back of his mind. Sam was using everything he'd told her about himself, just so he'd let his guard down. One wrong step and he'd give away who knows what kind of information. And yet...

He reached over and pulled the small table over his legs, and sat up a little straighter. It wasn't too comfortable for his knee, but it was worth it. Choosing one of the sets, he went ahead and opened it. His eyes glanced up at Sam again. She really was going to let him sit here and work on this? Uncuffed for the day, too?

"Well it's not like I'm going anywhere..." He opened one of the small bags of pieces and dumped them out very carefully so none of them would roll away. Just the feel of the tiny blocks between his fingers kept the pleasure in his eyes. Finally, he had something other than reading to keep his mind occupied. 

On to the next little bag, and he paused to throw Sam another glance. He wasn't a complete jerk. "Thanks know."

Rick had been watching the little scene, and finally shook his head, getting up from his desk and aiming out the door. His destination was the security room. "Hal?" He didn't knock, but came right in. "Do you have any idea what..." his sentence trailed off as he saw the monitor Hal was watching was the one that showed the infirmary. 

Hal swiveled around in his chair and lifted one eyebrow. "Problem?"

"Yes!" Rick frowned, and tucked his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Do you know that when I got here this morning, he wasn't in cuffs? I put them back on him - twice. Sam comes in, and not only doesn't care that he's loose, but rewards him."

Hal remained calm. "Well you have to admit, the poor man is probably going insane with boredom."

"He's a prisoner!"

"He's an ally in the making."

"I want him restrained!"

Hal sighed. "Did he cause any trouble this morning?"

"That's beside the point."

"Not really. Look... I'm here to help, but Sam's calling the shots. I only interfere when I think there's danger, and all I see right now is a successful human interaction that has broken down one of Aaron's walls."

Rick set his jaw stubbornly before he leaned a hand on Hal's desk and got lower and closer to his face. "Read my lips. I. Don't. Care. Either Aaron remains restrained, or I go to Reese."

Hal frowned, quickly losing his casual air. "As long as Aaron isn't causing trouble, he stays loose."

"Fine. Have it your way." Rick straightened and headed for the door. 

Hal grunted his displeasure. "I'll talk to Sam, alright?"

Rick stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Do that. You might want to remind her that this isn't a playground."

"Look, what's gotten into you anyway? Get up on the wrong side of bed or what?"

Rick's eyes narrowed. "I'm not the problem. The prisoner is. Fix it." Stalking out, he let the door fall shut. 

Hal shook his head, confused at Rick's behavior. It was very out of character for him to act like this. And now what? Sam was just making headway with Aaron.

Garret thought for a moment the  shook his head. "If you post someone, they're not gonna recognize anyone anyway. Instead, I might just make sure the Elite knows or even picks out the doctors and nurses that will have personal contact with Gunner. Then at least you know a stranger won't be getting him alone."

Justin picked at his salad as he sat across from Beth at the little diner. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was more than eating in like they usually did. Justin's quietness hadn't lessened though. If anything, it had increased. He knew he'd been neglecting Beth, and he was sorry, he just... hadn't been able to think straight lately. Now though, Hope's words had been playing over and over in his mind.

Finally giving up on the salad, he pushed the plate aside and leaned his elbows on the table. "Beth, I..." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry... I know I've been aloof lately... ever since Grace and Sarah." He swallowed hard. "I was....bound and determined to quit the Elite and make sure nothing like that would ever happen again but...ever since, I've been nothing but miserable. It's like that's where I'm supposed to be - at least partially - in spite of me wanting to run away."

He shook his head and looked down at the table. "And... I was also reminded that... once marked by the Agency, always marked. Which means running away isn't going to do any good." He lifted his gaze again, revealing sudden tears behind his eyes. "I keep saying I'm sorry about Sarah and... it doesn't help. My fault or not, if it wasn't for me... she'd still be here. And now.... as I consider staying with the Elite... I realize it'll never be safe for you, and..." His voice started to crack, and he took a moment to compose himself.

"I'm just sorry. You deserve peace, not more fear. So... so if I do decide to keep working with the Elite... I'd understand if you'd rather... not be involved with me. I can't ever guarantee your safety now. And if anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I can't even do that with Sarah, let alone you."

He sat back in his chair and fiddled with the napkin in his lap, his gaze lowering once more. He knew now that he couldn't run. But he couldn't ask Beth to blindly follow him either.