December 21, 2016


Hearing Eli talking to him Zidan lifts his head and wags his tail. Looking to Ryan and than Eli again he tilted his head and gave a little bark before licking Ryan's hand. 

Looking down at Zidan and patting his head Ryan looked back to Eli and rolled her eyes. She wondered if sometimes Eli really did miss living alone? But than at the same time she new if he did he wouldn't be living with her still.

   "I can see it now you both sitting on the couch eating pizza and drinking beer."

Shaking her head at the though Ryan gave just a tiny smile again.

   "You're teaching him bad habits you know. Not that I mind all to much, I'm just happy its you and not me doing it."

Hearing Suzanne's page Misty frowned a little. It was very unlike Rick to take a sick day. Even when he really should it was hard trying to get him to stay home. She hoped everything was alright and it was nothing to major. She should be able to survive one day without him.

   "Alright Suzanne thanks for letting me know." 

   "You just can't get rid of me forever you know."

Getting settled and the food dished out Nate said a quick prayer before digging in. Laura was a great cook, and her left overs were always a million times better. How lucky he was. Just letting the silence linger for a long while Nate let Garret enjoy his food. As he spoke though he looked up and searched his friends face. He could see the pain for having to miss the dance with Maggie. Nate was dreading having to tell her, but new he had too. 

   "I'll tell her for you. She'd going to be pretty sad but I think she will understand too."

Silent again for a second Nate took a few more bites of his food just deep in thought before looking up again.

  "I'll make sure to get some pictures taken for you too. I know Maggie will like to get you some pictures to you too."

Finishing off her nugget and looking into the bag to see she still had half of her french frys she handed the bag to Aaron so he could have the rest of them. Thinking about his question for a long moment. He had been doing really good the last twenty four hours. She could always do it and keep an eye on him with the cams. She had to trust Aaron sooner or late. 

   "I can let one of your arms free. Don't cause any trouble though or I'll make sure they are on extra tight from than on out. got it? And when I leave for the night they go back on till tomorrow."