December 20, 2016


Garret just stared at Nate. Was he joking? He was here just because Reese wouldn't release him? But why? Why put himself through this when he could just go on about his day? Who would actually choose to sit down here in this cell, rather than be upstairs working then go home to his family? Nate would actually do this...for him? 

Garret's shoulders sank a little. "You're an idiot," he grumbled. "This is the stupidest thing I think I've ever seen anyone do. There's no point in you being down here. Why suffer just because Reese has it out for me?" He shook his head. "Thanks for the loyalty but it's not worth it. Go home. You look ridiculous." 

Hal sat back and just watched Sam, a small smile forming on his lips. She was learning fast. "All of us here have been hurt in some way, shape or form. And you're just serves to keep reminding us why we're all here. Other law departments don't understand. They don't get why we function the way we do...why we run on gut instincts instead of protocol, or why we show mercy to those who have committed crimes."

His eyes followed hers to the view of Aaron. "Sometimes it's mercy that strikes a man hardest." There was a long pause before he arched an eyebrow. "And sometimes brute force is really the only way to get through to them. Like a swift kick. Or a baseball bat." He grinned. 

Hunter chuckled and finally dared to pet Zidan's head, scratching him behind the ears. "See, I'm not so bad, huh?" 

He looked up at Ryan and smiled at her subtle invitation. "I think I might like that..." It felt good to not just be alone in his apartment tonight. Even when Katie had been around, on nights they didn't do anything, he still hadn't had anyone else to really hang out with. He never would have thought he'd make friends with Ryan but...this was fun.

"We ought to take our bikes up to the lake sometime or something," Eli suggested. 

Hunter nodded. "Yeah...yeah, that's a good idea."

He stayed for a little while after they were done eating, then eventually called it a night and left. Still on the couch, Eli glanced over to his sister and gave her a little smile. "Good idea, having him over. I like him. He's definitely different than he used to be."