December 23, 2016

Fight Back

Walking with Aaron Sam couldn't help but be a little suprised with how well Aaron was doing. This was the second time now he had oppertunity to try and run and didn't. Even if he really couldn't with his leg he could of still tried. It impressed her.

   "You seem pretty old yourself."

Sam smiled just letting Aaron take all the time he needed before following him back into the infermary and making sure he was comfortable. Hearing his comment about Hal she laughed.  He might be right about that but she couldn't be a hard head all the time.

   "It's ok to be soft once in a while as long as you know the right time."

Drawing close to the bed and taking Aaron's hand she put the handcuff on just the one like promised before stepping back.

   "Now I better get some work done before I get into trouble. I'll see you a little later. "

The rest of dinner was nice and Ryan enjoyed some light conversation. She didn't eat everything Eli got her but she assured him she would have it for lunch tomorrow. Helping clean up she than went to the living room to sit and try to enjoy movie. A little more time with her brother ways seemed to help her mood. Even if all they did was sat there.

Pulling out her phone while she waited for Eli Ryan opened a message to Hunter.

Hey it's Ryan. Eli told me he talked to
you about going to Texas. I'd like to
tag along too. If it's not to odd for
you. Just let me know when and

   "Yeah I really think no matter what you are marked by the Agency now. Not just because of the Elite, but because of your involvement with Scott."

Leaning back in her chair Hope ran a finger around her coffee cup. She hoped Justin would change his mind and stay with the Elite. He really was a nice guy to work with. Not to mention she new he loved the work he did.

   "On day we'll be rid of the Agency and we won't have to worry anymore, but till than. Why give the what they want? They want us to fear them, they want to scare us. So why night fight back."