December 19, 2016

Single Tear

As it was Reese's turn to listen Nate could feel his heart breaking even more. What he said was not enough, it wasn't enough for Reese to actually believe that this was not Garret's fault. Nate couldn't help the tears that he could feel gathering in his eyes. 

Trying to get his own emotions in check. He didn't speak with anger to Reese, but his voice was laced with pain. The Elite had let him down, the FBI messed everything up and Nate felt helpless. There was only one thing really left he could do.

   "When Laura calls to ask where I am than you can tell her I'm lock in an Elite cell with an innocent man. I wont let Garret go through this alone, I wont abandon him like everyone else has in his life. He came here for help, He came here to change, and I wont give up on him. I know you need to do what you need to do, but I need to do what I need to do so Garret doesn't back slide."

A single tear escaped from Nate's eye as he turned and left Reese office. Maybe no one would understand why he was doing this, but he was doing it because he new it was right to him. Garret needed to know that not everyone had given up on him. His friendship was real and there were people who cared. His words were not empty.

Getting to the security room Nate took his badge and gun from his belt and entered. Setting them on Hal's table he just looked at him and Sam for a long moment. She was one of the FBI agent Reese spoke of. He'd hardly met her, but he didn't care if she new what he was doing or not.

   "I need you to hold on to these for me Hal. Hopefully I'll ask for them back soon. I also need you to follow me down to Garret's cell, I can open it but one I am inside I need you to close it. As of this moment I am being locked up with Garret till another situation changes."

Listing to JT Hope felt a little re leaf but at the same time concern still. At least Scott's brain wasn't damaged beyond healing. It was a start, he was a live, and there was hope that he would still wake up. 

Being told they could see him Hope was the first to enter the room. Pulling a chair up to the bed she took Scott's hand in her own and let her thumb run over his fingers. How small he looked in the bed, how sad it was there were here again.

   "We are here Scott...We are here."

Entering the room Dalton when to the foot of the best and just looked at his little friend laying in the bed. Oh how lucky Garret was Scott wasn't worse off. He might not be in the best shape, but he could be far worse for sure. He'd been so hurt about what Scott had said that now he felt like crap. Who new when he'd be able to talk to him again.

   "Hey Little Buddy, keep fighting, don't give up. You can pull through this."